Look Him In The Eye Aim No Higher

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After living underground for so long, I'd forgotten how scratchy dirt can feel. Having it rub raw against my face was a nice reminder.

At first it was just my eyes that were awake. Looking forward and seeing the rough, black surface of my skateboard, still tucked beneath the desk from when I'd ridden it in here at dinner.

Then my mouth and my tongue woke up, letting me taste how papery my mouth was. Then my shoulders. My arms and hands. Legs took longer, but I got them there. I could feel everything again. But when I tried to move, it was like my veins had been filled with lead. My body was too heavy to lift.

I struggled anyway, gritting my teeth and forcing myself to move. I had to warn Jim. I had to get back to Krel -

"You know, I'd tell you to stop fighting, but it kinda feels good."

I forced my heavy head up, prying my chest off the ground with my palms. I was sprawled out on my stomach, the ground scraping against my hips as I strained to look up.

Seamus was sitting as his desk, scrolling through his laptop with a content smile on his face. He looked so relaxed. So casual with his feet up on the desk.

"Son of a bitch," I hissed. But my voice was barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Well that's rude," Seamus tossed me a glance. "You've only met my dad."

"I was talking about your dad."

He raised an eyebrow at me for a moment. Then looked back at his screen. "Well, it's not like you're wrong."

"What did you do," I growled. "To my brother?"

He let out a low chuckle. "Not what I'm gonna do to you."

"What the hell is going on?" I strained my voice louder, but it was like my vocal chords were being pinched. "What have you done, Seamus?"

He scoffed. "Someone like you couldn't possibly understand."

"Oh really?" I rasped. "I understand that Krel found out you've been talking to Morgana, so you sent him to be eaten alive by creeps. Sound about right?"

A shadow passed over his face. "It was never supposed to go that far."

"So you drew me a map," I said. "Oh, that makes it all better."

He didn't answer.

"What's happening at dawn?" I croaked. My throat felt like it was coated in sand. "What's Morgana going to do with Trollmarket?"

Seamus cracked another smile. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. "I'm your friend -"

"You thought we were friends?" He scoffed again. "Why? 'Cause we went to middle school together? 'Cause we're the same color? God, you are so naive."

"What about Krel?" I threw back. "He wasn't your friend?"

He looked back at the screen.

"Answer me, bastard."

Just like that, my throat completely closed up, my breathe cut off then and there. My body rung with pain as it began jolting again, forcing me to get up on my hands and knees. My shoulder blades began knocking in and out of place. My back arching till my neck flew back and I was staring at the ceiling.

"Let's remember who's calling the shots here," Seamus said. "Fascinating, isn't it? It's almost like puppeteering. Like every part of the brain is attached to a string, and when I give it a pull . . ."

My throat opened again, so hard and so fast it hurt. But the oxygen was worth it.

"I control every move you make," He said. "So go ahead, struggle all you want. It's only because I'm letting you."

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