World Class Bullshit

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Eli and I took the bed that night. 

I offered it to Krel but he flat out refused and Steve insisted there wasn't a problem with him sleeping on the floor. I tried getting comfy on the sheets, but I couldn't stop tossing and turning. Sleeping in the same place at the same time for so long left me at ends for sleeping any differently. But I knew I would need the rest so I kept trying.

I was turned with my back towards Eli, so I didn't notice when he shifted around. But I did notice when his arm barely brushed mine. I didn't even have time to pull back.

Suddenly I was being drown in darkness. It was suffocating, thick and tangible. It was real.

There are hands all over me, dragging me down and pinning me to some kind of gurney. I screamed and screamed, but the muzzle clamped around my face forced a bit into my mouth, the tang of metal sweeping across my tongue. 

Blinding lights above. Rough straps cutting into my skin. Surgical gloves snapping. Monitors beeping. And fear. Horrible, paralyzing, nauseating fear.

A whirring sound drowned out the rest of the world. Above me, I saw the light reflect off the bone saw. A feeling I can't even describe fell over me. Not fear. Not terror. Dread. Acceptance. And pain. So much, again and again. 

Fingers prodding at me - inside me. In places I didn't know I could feel. Voices laughing as I cried. As I lost control and felt the sting of urine against my legs. And more pain, a cycle going round and round. Until death was a mercy. A prayer.

Then the world was gone again.

Eli bolted up beside me, gasping and sweating. I was too, but I managed to keep myself still. I felt the bed shift as he bolted off of it, hearing what could've been sobs as he ran for the door. But there was another sound, like he was scratching his head - vigorously.

The unlatching of the knob had Steve sitting up, Krel too.

"Eli?" Steve groaned, blinking to see clearer. "Eli, where are you -" Cutting himself off, he stumbled to his feet and worked his way over to the door, chasing after wherever Eli had gone.

Krel blinked a few times, his eyes bright red but his posture unchanged. Apparently he was more accustomed to waking up in the middle of the night than I thought. He gave me a questioning look, but I just laid back down, tears trailing down my temples. My hands were shaking and I couldn't get them to stop. Something inside me was buzzing with fear, wringing with it.

I'd always wondered what it was like for those kids, the ones who were experimented on. Now that I knew, I wish more than anything that I didn't.

"Are you okay?" Krel sat up from the chaise. "Did something happen?"

"I touched him," I whispered. "It was an accident."

Krel stood walking over the bed. I sat up, letting him sit beside me. "What happened?"

"I saw his nightmare," I buried my hands in my face. "I - I felt it - God, it was so real."

His hand rubbed small circles into my back. "What was it?"

I opened my mouth, but there were no words. Nothing could describe what that was like. I buried my face in my hands instead, a terrible sting going through my forehead.

He wrapped an arm around me. "It's okay, Aja," He said. "Everything will be okay, I promise. Just breathe."

I closed my eyes and leaned into him, relishing the way it felt to hug him again while I waited for the fog in my aching head to leave. For the fear of the nightmare to loosen its grip on my throat. 

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