I Do Not Like Where This is Going

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Steve fingered the syringe mark on Krel's neck. "They drugged him."

"They cut him," I growled.

"He's gonna be fine," He said. "But we need to get out of here."

More shouting sounded from outside. Crashing and thudding. And a strange whooshing sound.

"Now," Steve finished.

I nodded, passing Krel to Steve so he could ease him over his shoulder. We got to our feet, staggering out of the bathroom, me swiping the pipe off the floor - and the axe. Just in case.

When we got back out to the front room, the women were gone. The smell of smoke was hanging thickly in the air. And an orange glow was seeping in through the windows. That couldn't have been from the torches, could it?


We jumped at the voice, turning to see Toby standing before the back doors.

"Jimbo's got our bases covered," He said. "You guys comin' or what?"

We followed him out onto the balcony, climbing back down to shore. The path leading up to the cabin was full of fire, Jim at the head of it. The few creeps that dared near him didn't stand a chance.

I blinked at the scene, trying to take it in a single glance. Jim was so caring. So soft and so . . . dorky. Sometimes it was hard to believe how powerful he was.

"C'mon!" Toby beckoned as he ran to the river bank. "We gotta go!"

The three of us ran along the treeline, Krel bouncing over Steve's shoulder. The same adrenaline I had before was back, the desperate need to get back to Trollmarket. To get Krel and everyone else I'd dragged out here safe behind its sealed walls.

"Did you find Seamus's keystone?" Toby shouted to me.

"No," I shook my head. "But I know where Darci's is."

The run back was so much longer than I thought it would be. Every time I thought I would see the marker I set from where I'd hidden Darci's keystone, all that would appear was more grass, rocks, and shore. It seemed to go on forever.

Shouts and shots were heard behind us, the orange glow intensifying through the trees. Smoke was rising against the stars, the smell burning my nostrils.

"Is the dude gonna burn down the whole forest?" Steve panted beside me.

"No," Toby snapped back. "Jim can put out his own fires now, dilweed."

"Is anybody else out here?" I asked.

"Darci and some of the hunters are guarding the doors," He replied. "Does that count?"

"There!" I finally caught sight of the marker, barreling across the rocks. I ripped off the bulrushes and snatched up the keystone.

"Throw it here!" Toby waved his arms, heading closer to the door.

I wound my arm back, throwing it forward again and sent the keystone flying right over Toby's head. He leapt and crashed on his stomach trying to catch it.

"Yeesh," He mumbled as he grabbed it off the ground. "Calm down, Willie Mays."

I giggled as I caught up. "Sorry."

Darci was standing in the open doorway as we approached, holding a baseball bat of her own. Toby ran right into her arms, pressing the keystone into her hands. "TP!" She cried, hugging him back. "Where's Jim?"

"On his way," Toby assured her. "We ran ahead."

She looked back at me and Steve. Her eyes went wide. "You - you actually found him? Is he okay?"

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