Boom Boom Shake The Room Say Whaaaaaaa

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"Jim!" I screamed, for real this time. It was so satisfying to hear. To feel the stretch in my vocal chords as I used them.

I was free.

I bolted across the main tunnel, feeling the wide eyes of the few kids there go to me. I probably looked about as frantic as I felt. Blood pouring from my nose and down my chin. My entire body shimmering with sweat, my clothes stained with it.

When I burst into the office, Jim was sitting behind his massive desk, one hand propping up his chin as he fought to stay awake. Toby leaning over in a chair, completely asleep and snoring loudly. And Blinky was beside Jim, trying to explain something without falling over.

"- a batallion could circle back and then -"

"Jim!" I slammed the laptop down on his desk.

His head shot up. Toby flew right out of the chair, crying out as he dropped to the floor. Blinky jumped back so hard his head bonked against the wall.

"Oh, Aja," It took a moment for Jim to recover, rubbing his neck. "Thanks goodness. We could really use your help with this - are you okay?"

"No," I panted, shaking my head. "But I know what happened. To Krel and to Anne."

Jim exchanged an uneasy glance with Blinky. "I know how concerned you are about Krel, I do, but the protection of Trollmarket takes precedent for now. The lives of everyone here depends on it."

"But you don't understand -"

"We will discuss the strange occurrences at a later date, Miss Aja," Blinky nodded alongside Jim, something grave in his eyes. "A safer date."

"We really could use your help with the whole . . ." Toby sat up and squinted at Jim. "What were we doing again?"

My eyes rolled back. "Oh for love of . . ." And I smacked the gun onto the table.

Jim became very still. Everyone did. For several seconds, there was nothing but sleep deprived silence.

Toby gave Jim a nervous glance. "Uh . . ."

"Where did you get that?" Jim asked, raising his eyes to mine.

"Seamus gave it to me," I said. "Right before he tried to make me shoot myself with it."

Jim's face went pale, his eyes darting to Blinky. Both him and Toby looked completely floored. Like they were too horrified to believe me, but they still knew it was true.

"Seamus," Jim finally managed. "Tried to what?"

"He's a psychopath and a liar," I flipped open the laptop. "And I can prove it."

I showed them everything. From the fake essay to the chat with Morgana. How he'd been worsening Claire's condition - how he'd been her black hole. How he'd let Anne be killed for what she knew. And how he sent Krel away for what he knew.

I could tell none of them wanted to believe it. And to be perfectly honest, neither did I. Especially the part about Anne. And especially the part about Claire. But the proof was all there. None of us could deny it.

"We trusted him," Jim buried his face in his hands.

"Damn," Toby shook his head. "I knew something was off about that guy but -"

"Miss Aja," Blinky said. "How did you obtain this information?"

"Krel gave me the password to Seamus's computer before he went unconscious," I said. "And I knew something was wrong when I saw him hiding the keystone from you. Everything else just kind of, fell into place."

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