Chapter One

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In this place, love only ends in heartbreak 


James stood right across to Natalia, with his arms restricted by two guards and two others with guns pointed at his head. Madame B paced in front of the machine while talking with Pierce, who was wearing a disguise, a face masking appliance. Natalia sent James a small unnoticeable but meaningful smile, he just glares and tried to look as unemotional as possible. Madame B walked back with a sour look on her face, she was very unimpressed.

"The infamous Black Widow got invested with the Winter Soldier. What a disaster. This is the opposite of what this academy stands for! However the child shall be kept, it may be useful as it has a great bloodline and parents with unique abilities and shall be useful." Madame B declares. A horrified look crosses Natalia's face as she glanced at James, James however keeps his emotions locked up afraid he will get Natalia hurt again.

"No you can't do that! It is my child." Natalia protested. She tried to fight her constraints but they were too tight on her. Madame B scoffed and grabbed her by the face. 

"The child is a foolish mistake, full of lustful endeavours. It should be killed, consider this a mercy for you and it." Madame B said. James' face twisted into an unfamiliar look and he fights harder against the guards. 

"Wipe him." Pierce called to scientist. The scientist nodded and motioned for the guards to bring the soldier forward. The guards shoved James' body forward to the machine. 

The guards forced James down into the chair and strapped him down. Natalia looked down, too scared to watch what is going to happen, however Madame B grabbed her head and lifted it up to make Natalia watch.

 The machine soon starts and James starts to break Natalia's heart into a million pieces with his nightmare-worthy and unforgettable screams. Natalia watched with tears in her eyes, afraid to cry as it will show Madame B and the Keeper what they want to see, that they have won this. The guards lifted James up and dragged him out of the room, soon followed by Mr Pierce. Madame B locked the door and turned to face Natalia.

"You will keep the child, however if it is a girl, it will go through the Academy, if it is a boy it will join the soldier in his facility. You try run, the child will die. Simple?" Natalia nodded as Madame B got up and left the room. Natalia looked down at her shaking hands and brought them to her face to try stop the tears from rolling down her face. 

—— 8 Months later ——

Natalia's pregnancy went be faster than she wished. She trained harder than the other girls, trying to show that she can bear a child and still become The Black Widow. Madame B and the other trainers took special notice of her efforts but still remained colder and more distant with her. 

Natalia's water broke halfway through her dance practice and the trainer made her finish, although she was about to give birth. Natalia soon made it to the Infirmary and was laid down on the table. 

She pushed for hours before she finally tried to hear the cries of her baby girl. She found out the gender of her baby at 6 months pregnant. Natalia's arms ached to hold her new baby, someone made of her and James. 

The doctors held the baby in their arms as they rushed out of the room and into the hallway. A nurse stayed behind and helped Natalia redress and heal. Natalia grabbed the nurse by the arm and turned her towards her. 

"Where is my child?" Natalia demanded, the nurse gave her an unimpressed yet sympathetic sigh and shook free of Natalia's weak grip. 

"She is sick, so the doctors are trying to save her." the nurse fled the room and Natalia sank back into the hospital bed. Natalia gripped the bedsheets, trying to ease her anxiety. She wanted to see her baby girl, her Ana. 

Madame B walked into the room and saw Natalia gripping onto the sheets. She knew she should feel remorse and guilt for the pain she was about to cause the young mother, but for the good of the Red Room and HYDRA, the child needed to be dead to Natalia. 

"The child was pronounced dead." with that Madame B left the room and felt enjoyment at the cries of the young mother. She knew exactly where the child would go, to Siberia where she would train just like her father. 

Natalia gripped onto the small necklace in her hand as she cried for the baby she never got to hold. The necklace was the only thing she had left of the daughter she could've had. Her Ana, her beautiful little grace. 

Edited 10/12/2019

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