Chapter Two

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Years later when memories have faded


The Winter Soldier was summoned by his keeper to the holding room. He was just woken up from the cryo an hour ago. As he got there the keeper was there and the guards shoved him forward into the room, where more guards held him down.

The keeper pointed towards the young frail girl in the cage, she was facing the corner, and shaking in the harsh breeze coming from under the door. The guard grabbed the girl and basically threw her into the soldier's arms. The soldier felt the unexplainable need to hold her in his arms.

"This child is your mistake. You keep it and fix it." The keeper said. The Winter Soldier nodded and the guards pulled him and the girl to his sleeping quarters, a room with a bed and a chair.

The guards roughly shoved both of them into the room and locked the door. The child immediately ran towards a corner in the far end of the room. The soldier looked at the child as she looked up from the corner she rushed into. The soldier couldn't explain the need to protect her, to train her so she can protect herself when he isn't there to so it.

"ребенок" The Soldier said in Russian. The child turns around to face him. It would make sense that the child could only speak Russian as the base is in Russia. The child looked at him as if to tell him to continue. (Child)

"у тебя есть имя?" The soldier asked. The child shook her head. What child is born with out a name? The soldier racked his head to try and find a name for his child. (Do you have a name?)

"Ana." It sounded like a person he used to know. "Ana Romanova" The soldier doesn't know where the second name came from but he didn't care. The child, Ana, smiled at her name, accepting the name he had chosen.

Ana turned back to face her corner and sat there. The soldier sat there confused but went over to pick her up. As he touched her she shrieked and tried to turn away from him, he wasn't fazed by it but was slightly confused as to why she screamed but proceeded to pick her up while she squirmed in his arms. He laid her down on the mattress and she closed her eyes.

The soldier nodded lightly and went to the corner furthest away from Ana. The soldier fell asleep with a woman's face in his mind, a woman with the same green eyes that Ana had.

The two were woken up by a loud alarm. The girl shrieked and jumped off of the mattress and soldier smacked his head on the wall. Guards came into the room and grabbed the soldier and left Ana behind.

Ana looked around the tiny room and went to each corner, trying to find a hiding spot. She left the mattress and checked out the door, as the guards didn't lock the door. The child walked out of the room and down the hall, as she turns the corner she saw the man that gave her a name, she walked towards him but was stopped by a guard before she could even get halfway.

The door was closed to the weapons room and she was dragged roughly along the hall back to the sleeping room. The door was shut in her face and locked this time. She waited for the man to come back and not leave her alone again.

It was days before Ana sees the soldier again, he came back tired and covered in mud. He went straight into the shower, which was a bucket of water in a bathtub. He showered and walked out in the same clothing he wore everyday.

"Ana." The soldier said, he patted next him on the mattress. Ana sat down next to him and looked him in the eyes. He grabbed her by the arm and placed a small rock in her hand, it wasn't a special rock, it was grey and rough but it meant the world to Ana that he brought her a rock.

"ты знаешь как бороться" the soldier asked, Ana shakes her head and stopped playing with the rock, confused as to why he would ask such a question. (Do you know how to fight)

"ты хочешь, чтобы я научил тебя" the soldier asked, Ana nodded her head and smiled.(Do you want me to teach you)

The soldier stood up and motioned for her to stand up as well. Ana stood up and stood in front of him. The soldier reached out and pulled her hands forward, into a fighting position. He slowly shows her how to throw a punch into air. Ana watched and followed his directions. He picked up a pillow off the mattress and holds it in front of him and motioned for Ana to punch the pillow.

After hours of teaching and learning the two sat down and waited for food to come in. Soon enough the food came in but was only enough for the soldier to eat. The soldier frowned and pushed the food toward the small girl.

Ana looks up and the soldier nudged the food toward her a little more. The girl took the hint and ate the food. Ana ate as much as she could before she handed the rest to the soldier. The soldier nodded and finished the rest of the food.

"как тебя зовут" Ana asked. The soldier was shocked by the girl speaking nevertheless that she asked him a question. That was a good question, he doesn't have a name. (What is your name)


Edited 10/12/2019

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