Chapter Five

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The first of the last


The Winter Soldier and the Winter Horror stood in the middle of the road, in plain sight, waiting for a car to come down the road. All Ana knew was that they had to take out the driver, the director of something, and leave no witnesses. The two assassins didn't speak. It was an unspoken rule between them, they don't speak on the mission at all.

The past few weeks had been difficult for the two, James remembered more of his past with Natalia, and he told Ana all about her mother. Ana loved hearing about her brave mother, hearing about the same traits that have passed onto her, even though she hadn't met the woman. All Ana wanted was to meet her mother, the brief look at her on the road all those years ago did nothing. All she wanted is for her family to be together.

The two have been following the movements of the car for a while, Ana could see him tearing down the road, trying to go off the grid and to shake the 'policemen' off. Smart.

"Activating communications encryption protocol." Fury stated to the computer in the vehicle. "Open secure line zero-four-zero-five." the computer, A.I, does that and he was on the phone with Agent Hill.

"This is Hill." the person on the other end responded.

"I need you here in D.C. Deep shadow conditions." The director demanded. The urgency in his voice is defiant.

"Give me four hours." the agent responded with.

"You have three, over." Fury ended the call. "Open secure line six-seven-two-nine." the line rings but no pick up yet. Come on Romanoff. Fury sighed and pulled up to a red light. Two police officers pulled up next to him and looked over at him suspiciously.

"Want to see my lease?" The policemen drove off with their sirens blaring. Fury scoffed and hit the accelerator but was stopped when a car drives into his car. Before he could get all of senses in check, he was surrounded by police cars. The police man hit his car and Fury was knocked around the car.

"Fracture detected. Recommended anaesthetic injection." The car A.I said. Fury reached over and grabbed the injection. Fury realised that the police officers aren't officers, they are mercenaries disguised as police officers.

"Get me out of here!" Fury shouted to the car. Fury sighed impatiently and looked around tense. He turned around once more and was knocked sideways when he felt the bullets hit the exterior of the car. 

"Propulsion systems offline" Once one thing goes wrong everything goes wrong.

"Then reboot damnit!" Fury yelled desperately and angrily. As the 'officers' kept shooting at Fury's car, the armour kept getting weaker and weaker. The 'officers' seemed to notice that and brought out the battering ram. One shot from the battering ram to the window brought down the window integrity.

"Warning! Window integrity comprised." The A.I stated, nothing went right. Fury panicked and desperately thought of a plan but was out of ideas and time when another hit from the battering ram hit the window. 

"You think? How long till propulsion?" Fury asked the AI. Fury started to panic, he needed to get away and get to Natasha, he found something on Ana. 

"Calculating..." The A.I responded. Calculate faster. The 'officers' used the battering ram to bash the window again, and sent the car to the side, rocking it. "Window integrity thirty-one percent. Deploying countermeasures."

"Hold that order." the battering ram hit the window again, sending the car rocking again. Fury looked around once more and held his position. 

"Window integrity nineteen percent. Offensive measures advised." The AI stated.

"Wait." the battering ram goes straight into the window again, and sent the car rocking to the side again. 

"Window integrity one percent."

"NOW!" Fury ordered to the AI. A minigun shot up from inside and Fury aimed it at the 'officers' and shot them. All around the car the 'officers' dropped dead by Fury's hand. Fury aimed for the car and hit it, and caused it to explode and flip onto the perps. 

"Propulsion systems now online." The A.I responded and Fury sighed in relief, he might get out of this alive. 

"Full acceleration! Initiate vertical takeoff." Fury barked at the car. Fury kept on shooting at the 'officers' as the car started and drove off.

"Flight systems damaged." The AI responds. Fury sighed angrily. He wasn't out of this mess just yet. 

"Get me Agent Romanoff!" as a last resort he was going to call her, at least to tell her. If he died without telling the agent, the knowledge would be lost. 

"Communication array damaged." The car system responded. Fury rolled his eyes and focused on the road. 

"Well what isn't damaged?" The director angrily asked. He was completely done with everything.

'Air conditioning is fully operational." if an A.I could be sassy that would be the time. "Traffic ahead."

"Give me an alternate route." The director stated, waiting to get off the grid. 

"Traffic alert on Roosevelt Bridge. All vehicles stopped. 17th avenue clear in three blocks, directly ahead." A couple police cars come up behind him and shot at him, Fury swerves out of the way, trying to save his life and the civilians. 

Ana and Bucky waited for the right moment shoot. Each assassin had a firearm that will help get the director. Ana's was more of a plan B. Ana watched the car come closer to them and felt The Winter Soldier lift his firearm and shoot under the car, making it flip over and crash onto the ground.

The last thing that Director Fury saw before he flipped over was two brunette figures standing next to each other with face masks on. The Director sighed and recognised the two assassins, and he knew if he didn't get out of there soon enough, he would be killed. 

The Winter Soldier and the Winter Horror walked to the car and the Soldier ripped the door off its hinges. Only to find the director missing and a massive hole in the ground.

It was the first mission that they failed

Edited 17/12/2019

Winter Horror [1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora