Chapter Thirteen

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Heroes are the ones who keep moving and trying


Steve, Sam and Maria entered the most secure building in the world with ease. They went up the stairs to find the one door locked. Maria set off something on the dish that messed with the SHIELD agents. One of them came to the door and opened it. Maria held a gun to him and the trio walked inside the building.

"Excuse us," Steve said while walking past him. Steve and Sam walked to a room that has a microphone, that will alert the whole building. Steve walked up to the microphone and started addressing the people...

"Attention, all SHIELD agents. This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days, some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. ButI think it's time you know the truth. SHIELD is not what we thought it was, it's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want: absolute control. They shot Nick Fury and it won't end there. If you launch those Helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been, and it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to be I'm not."

"Did you write that down first, or was it off the top of your head?" Sam chuckled impressed. They start to make their way down to the Helicarriers to try and get to the boards.

Ana and The Soldier made their way from their holding to the Helicarriers. Ana was so beaten up she could barely walk but she knew if she wasn't there would be more hell to pay. Ana and her father walked in silence towards the exit.

The Soldier looked around for Captain Rogers and his friend. He spotted them on the other Helicarrier and waited, Ana got up and ran towards some people who were shooting at Sam, she knocked them down before some run at her.

Some air support ran out of the gates but The Soldier started shooting at them. As The Soldier was shooting at them Ana ran up behind him and tackled him to the ground, but being as weak as she was, The Soldier quickly flung her off him and threw her into the crates, her head spun and she lost sight for a while.

When Ana opened her eyes moments later, she found her father gone, and fire and bodies everywhere. She feels a pang of guilt in her chest but soon shook it off and unsteadily started running to the third Helicarrier, she'd seen Sam and Steve enter the other ones.

She saw Sam and Steve fly up to the top of the Helicarrier, she also saw her father run off to find them. She watched him kick Steve off the side and Sam shooting at him. Ana ran up behind him and tackled him, she stumbled a bit when she felt something pierce through her shoulder. A bullet.

"Shit! Ana." Sam shouted.

"Sam! Go!" Ana shouted at him. Sam kicked off of the ground to started flying again but The Soldier shot a string out that catches Sam's wing, he ripped off the wing and pushed Sam off the side of the Helicarrier.

"SAM!" Ana used all of her remaining strength to get up and tackle her father to the ground again, The Soldier pushed her off and ran in the Helicarrier and down the stairs, Ana got off the ground and (even more) unsteadily ran towards the door and down the steps.

She sees her father guarding the disks and she tried to stop him one last time but he easily flings her off and slammed her onto the ground, Ana didn't get up this time but instead lay on the floor trying to save her energy. She didn't notice Steve coming in and stopping at the end of the bridge thing.

"People are gonna die, Buck. I can't let that happen. Please don't make me do this." Steve said, seeing that his old friend didn't want to back down he threw his shield at him but The Soldier dodges it with his arm.

The Soldier started shooting at Steve, eventually hitting him on the side. Steve managed to open the disk placement and took out the old one. Seeing that Steve needed help, Ana slowly lifted herself off the floor and shouted to Steve.

"Pass me the disk, I'll put it in." Steve turned his head, hearing the sound of a familiar Russian accent. But a momentary distraction causes him to get tackled down by The Soldier, Ana lost her footing again and fell down completely dizzy.

She could only hear certain things, like Steve and her father, fighting. She could feel Steve climb back up towards the top and got shot again. He fell down the side.

"Come on Steve," Ana whispered she hoped she was loud enough. Steve heard her and pushed through and got up. Steve managed to get to the disk in place and slid down again, putting his hand on Ana's shoulder.

"Fire now!" Steve shouted into his comm on his wrist. "Do it! Do it now!"

The Helicarriers started firing at each other, Ana fell to the lower part of Hellicarrier due to the impact. She felt Steve land next to her and help her sit up, her head told her to sleep but she can't.

She watched her father and Steve fight each other. She closed her eyes for a second. She opened them to find The Soldier hesitating to punch Steve, she got up and ran as fast as she could towards them before the floor fell.

The Soldier grabbed onto his daughter by the waist and they watched Steve fall towards the water. The Soldier let go and the duo fell towards the water, Ana went unconscious when she hit the water.

Bucky pulled both his daughter and his mission to the surface. He looked at the man in front of him on last time before he picked up his daughter and walked off. He set her down somewhere near the building, he waited for someone familiar to come and help them.

A familiar red-head ran out of the building, calling a name. His daughter's name. He shone a piece of a reflective paper to catch her eye. Fortunately, he does and Natasha ran towards him, with a gun by her side. Bucky ran off to the shadows and pointed towards his daughter. Natasha nodded and ran off to find a medic and first aid box.

Natasha found Fury, Sam and the box and they ran towards the girl. Natasha said nothing about the man in the shadows. They took the bullet out her shoulder and nurse her older wounds. She lay unconscious for a while before she started spluttering and breathing properly. Ana slowly opened her eyes takes a deep breath. She smiled at her mom and Sam.

"I'm sorry kid." Sam said, feeling guilty. She did get one of his bullets in her shoulder.

"It's okay Sam, I tried to stop him but he was stronger." Ana said giving him a small smile and turns to Fury, "I'm sorry too, for trying to kill you." 

"Im not dead." Fury said, he gave Natasha a nudge and walked off. Sam got alerted by Maria through the earpiece and walks off, not before giving Ana one last squeeze. When he left, Bucky came out of the shadow and sat next to his daughter.

"(Are you okay Ana?)" Natasha asked, looking over her. Ana nodded and pulls her into a hug. Bucky sat awkwardly next to the girls while they talk after a while Natasha turns to her ex-lover and asks.

"Where are you going next?" James shrugged and Natasha nodded and left them alone. She gave Ana one last smile before disappearing.

"я в порядке, папа" (I'm okay, papa)

Edited 19/12/2019

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