Chapter Eleven

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It will come back and bite you in the ass 


Sam and Ana sat at the cafe waiting for Agent Sitwell to finish talking to his friend. As soon as he finished and turned around, Sam picked up his phone and called him. Sitwell turned away from the guards and answered the phone.

"Yes, sir?" Ana heard the familiar voice of Sitwell, her 'favorite' agent.

"Agent Sitwell, how was lunch? Heard the crab cakes here are delicious." Sam said Ana stifled a laugh.

"Who is this?"

"The good looking guy in the sunglasses with your favorite person next to him, your ten o'clock," Sam said, he gave a side look to Ana. Sitwell turned the opposite direction to them, "Your other ten o'clock. There we go." Ana gave Sitwell a little wave and Sam lifted his drink to confirm where he was looking.

"What do you want?"

"You're gonna go around the corner, to right. There is a grey car, two spaces down. You and I are gonna take a ride." Sam said he tilted his head to the direction of the corner, Ana just stared at him mischievously with a shit-eating grin on her face.

"And why the hell would I do that?"

"Because that tie looks really expensive and I'd hate to mess it up." Sitwell looked down and saw a simple, red dot - a sniper dot. He took the hint and walked around the corner. He saw Ana and Sam waiting for him. 

The three got to the car and drove to the tall and abandoned building just a bit away from the cafe. Steve and Natasha waited outside the building, waiting to get a hold of Sitwell. Steve grabbed Sitwell and pushed him in front, Natasha and Ana grab onto each other's hands as they walk up the stairs.

"Ah, so the mother and daughter are reunited. How was that surprise, Romanoff?" Ana walked forward, to attack him but her mother holds her back. They reached the top and Steve shoved Sitwell out of the doorway.

"Tell me about Zola's algorithm," Steve demanded. Ana stood behind him with her assassin face on, she wanted to push him off the roof. 

"Never heard of it."

"What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?" Steve demanded. Ana folded her arms and rolled her eyes. 

"I was throwing up, I get seasick." Ana looked at him confused, she didn't get the logic."Is this little display meant to insinuate that you are going to throw me off the roof because it's really not your style Rogers."

"Oh, you're right. It's not. It's theirs." Steve said, moving out of the way so Ana and Natasha could kick him off the roof. Sitwell's smile flew off his face as Ana's foot hit him on the chest. The duo turn and hi-five as they heard Sitwell's screams as he fell down the building.

"Oh, wait. What about that girl from accounting, Laura?" Natasha asked Steve. Ana sighed in relief as she realizes that Steve and Natasha are only friends.

"Lillian. Lip-piercing, right?"

"Yeah. She's cute."

"Yeah, I'm not ready for that." Sitwell's screams got louder and louder as time went on. Sam shot up from the side of the building, with Sitwell. He flew right above them and dropped him off and landed in a superhero pose.

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