Chapter Six

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There are horrors in the world that even heroes can't fight


Steve Rogers chose a different route etc day to get home, it was a force of habit. He chose the shorter way, after he heard about the crashed on the road earlier that day. He went up the lift in silence and it opened right by his apartment floor. As he lifted his head up he saw his pretty neighbour talking on the phone. He didn't pay attention to her conversation on the phone, however when he heard her stop talking he turned around and faced her. 

"My aunt. She is kind of an insomniac. Yeah." Steve smiled at her and turned to face the laundry in her arms.

"Hey if you want... if you want, you are welcome to use my machine. Might be cheaper than the ones downstairs." Steve kindly offered. Kate smiled and looked down slightly.

"Oh, yeah. What does it cost?" she asked. Steve gave her a small smile and sighed. 

"A cup of coffee?" Steve asked hopefully. She smiled but looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Thank you, but umm... I already have a load on downstairs, and, uhh you really don want my scrubs in your machine. I just finished orientation in the infectious diseases ward, so..." Kate said. Steve face fell as she rejected him but nodded in understanding.

"Ah, well. I'll keep my distance." Steve said, a bit awkward.

"Well hopefully not too far." She said as Steve turned and looks for his keys to open his apartment. "Oh and I think you left your stereo on."

"Oh right thank you." Kate turned and left while Steve looked at his door in suspicion. Steve opened his door and headed inside to pick up his shield. He stuck his head around the corner but saw nothing besides the director sitting, lying, in a chair in the dark.

"I don't remember giving you a key." Steve said, he woke up the director and Fury looked at him. Steve sighed and put the shield down. 

"Do you really think I'd need one? My wife kicked me out." Fury said, almost matter-of-factly. Steve knew something was up when the director didn't get up. 

"Didn't know you were married." Steve said irritated.

"There is a lot of things you don't know about me." Fury said, he sat up a bit to get a better view of Steve.

"I know Nick, that's the problem." As Steve turned on the light, but Fury turned it off. Steve noticed Fury's injuries for the first time and as he is about to ask Fury motioned for him to be silent.

"I'm sorry to have to do this, but I had no where else to crash." As he says that he flipped his phone to show Steve a message. SHIELD COMPROMISED. Steve nodded in understanding as Fury turned his phone back toward himself.

"Who else knows about your wife?" Fury turned his phone back towards Steve with another message on it. You and Me

"Just my friends" Fury said. He was in pain but didn't say anything.

"Is that what we are?" Steve asked, playing along with it but also really curious. Fury slowly stood up and walked towards Steve.

"Thats up to you." Bullets fly through the walls and into Fury chest almost killing him. Steve looked in the direction of the killer and pulled Fury out of the way of more bullets. Fury reached up and grabs Steve's hand, and handed him a flash drive. Kate kicked the door open and went into the apartment and started calling out for him.

"Captain Rogers? Captain, I'm Agent 13 of SHIELD Special Service." Kate said with importance. She ran forward and grabbed onto Fury.

"Kate?" Steve said with disbelief. He was shocked that his neighbour had bee spying on him.

"I'm assigned to protect you." Steve had had enough. He didn't need any protection.

"On whose orders?" Steve asked impatiently.

"His. Foxtrot is down, he is unresponsive. I need EMTs." Kate said into the radio in her hand.

"Do you have twenty on the shooter?" The SHIELD agent on the radio asks. By then Steve had managed to see the shooter through the window and picked up the shield and tightened the shield on his arm.

"Tell him I'm in pursuit." Steve said as he smashed his way through the door. He saw the shooters through a window and raced on the underneath floor. He shoved his way though the doors in his way before going straight through a window and onto another building. 

Steve rolled onto the roof and stood up and threw the shield at the man. The man whipped around quickly and caught the shield with his metal arm. The girl turned around and tugged the metal armed man's shoulder and he threw it back at Steve. 

The shield hit Steve in the stomach and sent him sliding backwards. Steve looked at up and saw that they were gone. Steve ran to the edge of the building and looked down but saw now one. 

"What the hell?" Steve whispered to himself. He walked back and the girl on the roof stayed with him the whole time. She barely looked like she was 15 years old, the long brown hair reminded him of someone he knew a long time ago. 

Edited 17/12/2019

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