Chapter Four

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Memories can be the breaking point of a strong man


"Papa, Ты безумец." Ana said, her heart stopped beating for a second, she couldn't believe what he just said. "моя мама умерла."  (You are insane. My mother is dead )

"(Ana поверь мне, она. Я помню, что она попала в беду из-за тебя" James said. His words wounded Ana beyond repair, she was the one that split up her two parents. James had noticed that he had hurt her, and grabbed her hands, Ana shook them free and stared at the ground. (Trust me she is. I remember getting her into trouble because of you.)

"Ana, люди, которые присматривают за нами, разделяют нас не ты." His words meant nothing to Ana, as much as she wanted to believe him she couldn't. If it hadn't been for her they would've still been together.

Ana stood up from the mattress and walked to the corner that she went to all those years ago, she sat down and fell asleep with a tear on her cheek. James watched his daughter leave his side and go to place she went to when she couldn't trust him.  (The people that look after us split us apart not you)

Ana was woken up the next morning by the same alarm that woke them up everyday. Ana shook her head free of the bad thoughts and walked to her day clothes: a black skin suit, black combat boots and a big puffy black coat. 

Guards stormed into the room and grabbed the two soldiers by the arms and forced them out of the room. Ana didn't try to fight them, she's tried before but been punished for it, she's learnt her lesson. The guards took them to the mission briefing room and shoved them inside and closed the door. 

The mission was a simple one, get into a base and collect information and kill the head person, Drew Walkins. Walkins is an army leader that holds codes for something, something that could be a threat to HYDRA.

Ana didn't ask for what weapon they might have but she kept her mouth shut, she also learnt that lesson the hard way. 

The mission was a success and the information was received. As soon as they got to base, Ana went straight to the room to wash, she didn't hear her father come into the other room. James went back to his mattress and stared at the wall once again. 

Ana stayed as long as she could in the shower before facing her father again. James noticed her come out the room and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to the mattress. They sat in silence for a while, James didn't know who to start, right then Ana broke it.

"что ты помнишь о ней?" James looked at her and sighed, he went to the jacket that was lying in the floor. He picked up something and walked back. He handed the girl a necklace and sat down again. (What do you remember about her)

"Что принадлежало ей." James stood up onto his knees and placed the necklace around her neck and clipped it. Ana looked at the pendant on it, it was a spider. (That belonged to her)

"ее в академии зовут Черная Вдова." He continued to say. "вот почему я дал ей паука." Ana smiled gratefully and lay down to sleep. (Her name in the Academy is Black Widow) (That is why I gave her a spider)

Ana fell asleep quickly, knowing what her mother was and that her father had gained some of his memories. Ana had heard legends of the Black Widows, she never thought her mother was one of those legends. Ana held the necklace in her hand as she slept. 

The next morning James and Ana were taken to the cryo room, where the mind wiping machine was there. Ana frantically looked for her father , he just gave her a worried look. Maybe today was the day that she had her memories taken away from her. 

To their relief  Ana was placed in the cryo while James was placed in the machine. Ana was frozen long before she could hear her father's screams.

Natasha Romanoff collected all the information she could find on the two of them but there wasn't much, the organisation was good at hiding information. She can't even find out the colour of the girl's eyes. After years of searching she finally found a file of the girl. 

Natasha found a file under her doorstep at the Avengers' tower, she opened it as she walked down the hallway. Natasha stopped dead in her tracks and Clint Barton walked straight into her.

"Nat?" Clint asked but she doesn't respond, she hasn't moved a muscle, normally she would've turned around and punched him in the gut. Clint peered around her shoulder and looked at the file. He knew of the dead daughter of Natasha. Maybe she wasn't dead after all.

"It's her." Was all the Natasha said before hundreds of memories flood through her at one go. The death of her baby was always suspicious and now she knew why. Tears flooded her eyes as she gave the file to Clint.

"Oh my god." Was all that Clint could say. His closest friend was getting some answers. Soon enough the duo went searching everywhere for the girl. Natasha even asked for favours from Nick Fury but he came up with nothing, she thought it was him that gave her the file. Clint never gave up, he believed that they could be right under their noses.

For years their search continued but they came up with nothing. They never stopped searching, Natasha refused to believe that her baby was gone from her again. 

"She is a ghost."

Edited 11/12/2019

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