Collision of the jobs

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Chapter 4 

I went home with teary eyes, all i could do was just lay flat in my bed after i got home. I really wanted to stay a little longer but if i did, it would only kill my insides since i could only be like this with him; i also wanted to know what i was to him, if i was just some  chick he met 2 nights ago and had sex with twice.  Honestly i felt like shit and really didnt wanted to go to work tomorrow but i had to because i would be officially starting tomorrow and i dont think i have to courage to look at his face for a a full 8 hours. I sighed and just went straight to sleep without even a second thought in mind because right now i just wanted to sleep.

        I actually woke up really late this morning, i was so out of it and i had to rush, this time i actually had remembered to put my contacts in before i got to my clothes; i could see that the mark he left on my right breast was now visible. I stopped for a while looking at myself in the mirror and i gently dragged my right index finger tenderly across the spot and it brought back the memories of the 2 nights we spent together and the ecstasy of pleasure i had experience in those 2 days. I also noticed the one on my collar bone was still there but faintly, seeing it kinda made me a bit sad cause it seemed as if all my love would fade away as if it was never there. I  quickly wiped the tear that was trying to escape my eye and grabbed my jacket and bag and left my house to go to the last  place i wanted to go right now. 

        I walked up to the front entrance, i was welcomed with a bunch of warm smiles and hellos  while i returned stiff and empty ones.  By the time i got the office my work load was the size of a mountain but i was still determined to show him that he cant scare me of with work load. I went majority of the day without running into him or being called in by him, apparently he was out majority of the day in business meetings and for that i was a little grateful, at least my heart could be a little at peace. It was my 15 minute break so i took the chance to go the bathroom and change my contacts; i was also almost finish with my work all i had left to do was make his schedule and i would be  out of here and home to sleep especially since i didnt have to work tonight at the club. Whne i got back to my desk, the phone rang and i quickly answered it " Hello, you have reached Tyler Hemming's secretorial office how can i help you ?" " I need you in my office now " i could feel by heart skip a beat at the intensity and seriousness in his voice. I wouldnt have expected that it would be him on the other line. With my heart in my hand i walked up to the door and rested my hand on the door knob and took a deep breath in.

Chapter 5 

        I slowly turned the door knob, i held my head down and i slowly entered and he was right there leaning on the front of his desk and he had a drink in his hand. He looked very pensive and i already started to panic as to what would be the out come of this, i l closed the door behind me. " You sure took your sweet little time to get here didn't you?" " Sorry sir i wanted to finish making your schedule for tomorrow before i came in here, I'm terrible sorry that " " Its okay, but i must say your are quite profound, I'm very impress with your work ethic" " Thank you for such an esteemed compliment Mr. Hemmings, is that all ?" " No i actually wanted to ask you about something, will you come a little closer please?" I was getting even more nervous but  i slowly moved towards him " Is this okay for me in invade your personal space like this ?" his smile had a wicked curve to it, rather than a smile it looked like smirk and his eyes were squinted as if something was planned " No its okay I'm inviting you in my space so please don't hesitate Ms. Reeves"  i nodded and as i got closer and closer to him  he took one last sip from his glass and he rested in  down on his desk. I was about 2 feet apart from him now when he looked up at me and took my glasses from my face "That's better, i need to see your face". I could already feel the blood rushing to my cheeks already, i could smell the sweet smell of the whiskey on his breath as he spoke and how warm it was but i had to keep it together and so i blinked.

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