The Real Samantha- Back Story

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Chapter 16

" So are you ready to tell me what you wanted to tell me ?" Ryan looked at me and asked, and i nodded " Yes, but promise me you will listen to the very end then you can talk" he smiled and nodded then he kissed my forehead, i took a deep breath in and i was ready to tell him my entire story. " I ran away from home when i was 16 years old, and this makes my 3rd year since then; im originally from Scotland and my real name is Ailsa Robena Kelsi MacGibbon, and my father is the Earl of Aberdeen, my reason for running away was because after my mother died when i was 12 years old, my father remarried and my new stepmother isnt the nicest person to me. In fact i was sent away to bordering school until when my father  suddenly fell ill and he requested me back at the mansion, when i got there he was told me when he died that everything would belong to me and this made my stepmother upset and after my father passed away i would receive his wealth upon my 18th birthday but my stepmother wanted to prevent that and so she tried everything to get rid of me, from attempting to poison me, to hiring people to rape me to the point where i lose all sense of reason, even as low as to have me killed several times, so i asked my mum's personal maid that was still there to help me get away and she sent me here, to New York City with just enough money to get me food for a month.

"But after all that money ended, i was broke and homeless, and didnt had another way of eating until this man found me sitting on a bench in the park and asked me if i wanted somewhere to live and because i was so unfamiliar with what the world was about i said yes and i went with him, it was after he fed me and gave me a place to live that he tried to sexually harass me that i tried to get away but then he reminded me that he gave me food and somewhere to live and now i needed to work my debt off or else and i feared behind alone out in the cold again so i complied with him and he did what he wanted to do with me until about 2 weeks he started to make me go out on the streets and work, i've sold weed, crack down to my body until i got tired of it and i ran away again; this time i ended up in Long Island here, where i was crying in a corner when a guy walked up to me and asked what was i doing out in the cold and at such a young age and he invited me into his store because he said he wasnt open yet, at first i was reluctant because i remembered what happened to me the first time  but now im really grateful that i did follow that man, He was actually Benny that owns that bar that we meet in.

"He was so kind to me, he helped me clean up and got me off the streets and made me live with him for free just as long as i promised that i wouldnt go back on the streets and that i would stay with him, it was went i turned 18 i asked him if he could help me get a really good job and thats when he introduced me the owner of this night club that needed a hostess  and thats how i started my night job and i started helping out Benny with his bills and stuff until he thought it was time i got my own apartment which is where i live now, and the owner of that nigh club helped pulled some strings for me and i got a day job as a secretary at a company where i worked for a year which then transferred me to Tyler's company that im claimed to be 22 years old, i know it was wrong to lie but they needed some form of 'experience in years' even though i was good with this stuff as i used to help father before he remarried   but thats it and  now here i am. Just to say that life hasnt been very kind to me, not even death would accept me, i tried so many different ways but i guess God is still not ready for me,  weather i slit my writs, take pills, drown my self, nothing worked" and i concluded my story there and i started to cry and all i felt was a pair of warm arms wrapped around me and telling me it was okay, it was so reassuring and i couldnt help but let out all the tears that i have been holding in from that time up to where i met Benny and i told him my story and i cried then but this time was different i actually cried even more this time, im not quite sure why but i never wanted to stop for some reason, and  Ryan never even tried to stop me he just continued to embrace me and say let it all out, and thank you for making it this far; i was so grateful that i have met such a wonder man, maybe it wont hurt to fall in love with him. I cried my self to sleep that night in his warm arms right there on the couch and it was the best sleep i've had in 3 years, and i was thank full for that.

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