His Brother??

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Chapter 10

After i left the office i went to the ATM and withdraw about $600 from my savings account and went to my favorite bar, it was really private and settled, kinda reminds me of a gay bar and it was out of the reach of people i might run into, just what i needed. When i entered the bar the bartender shouted at me " Its been a while since i've seen you in this place Sam, i wonder what happened this time" " Hey Benny and you know me so well, and im here to forget some one" " Bad break up sug?" " More like cant start one " " Damn" and i walked over to him and he already poured my usual drink i would have " Tell yo old friend Benny " " Fell for my boss, we fuck a lot  even in his office, found out a few days back he was engaged by force, got stood up yesterday and i still havent received a text message or a phone call from him and here i am to drink my problems away " " Well fuck me boo bear that sure is a story you have this time, i think imma have to give you something a littler stronger" " Please do, maybe i'll get inspiration to  write a book titled " Fuck me and my Life- Doggy style" when i said that Benny laughed and i couldnt help but laugh as well and then i gulped my drink down in one swallow and i heard a man come up from behind saying " Well i've never seen a babe that can handle her drink as well as you, whats up the name is Ryan nice to meet you" " Name's Samantha and im not so sure its the same and might i add my drink isnt the only thing i can handle well" i responded in a very seductive voice and i licked my lips and i saw him tense up " Very interesting person you are after all, shall we have a drink?" " I can show you a lot more interesting things Ryan, its not everyday a handsome man offers a lady like myself a drink" " Is that so, then i guess its my treat all night then" " I dont mind but just so you know im quite the expensive gal to take on" he smiled and let out a little chuckle " Then its a good thing im loaded tonight right" i took my glass up and took a sip then raised my glass to him and nod my head

        This was going to be a very interesting night, and i was looking forward to the outcome, maybe i get laid, raped, drunk and lost, or better yet fast asleep on Benny's table; i guess its just in time the results will show its bastardly self to me. Ryan, was a really chill back guy, kinda reminds me of someone but after my 5th glass of vodka my mind was just too hazy to think about it, and we continued on having more drinks and conversing until it hit around 1am and i decided it was time for me to go home. I jumped off the stool and i grabbed my bag from the counter and slurred my words to Benny " I'm goshing house"  he chucked " I see that your still the heavy drinker, but alright Sam see ya next time you have problems" "  Fuck yosh" and i spinned on my heels and next thing i knew i fell and passed out and i felt like i was floating. Its kinda sad to know i had fallen for Tyler that much that in my drunken stage i was picturing me having sex with him on his desk, and for some reason why did this feel so real. Wait was i dreaming or we are actually doing it, I opened my eyes and i saw a similar face that im familiar with and just when i was about to say Tyler, i noticed that the hair color and eye colors were a little different, when my senses finally flooded back in i recognized the person, it was Ryan, from the bar, and it looks like we were at his house cause this is definetly not my house. I didnt wanna seem like a whore but having sex with him was really good like almost as good as how Tyler made me feel. I slightly felt guilty even though i wasnt committed to him.

Chapter 11

" Hey your finally awake", i heard a voice asked me and i sat up and rubbed my eyes then blinked a few times, oh shit i was naked, i guess i slept at his house last night " Yea i finally awake,sorry about that imma get my stuff and leave"  i climbed out of bed and wrapped the sheet around me and grabbed my clothes "You really didnt have to rush out in such a hurry, take a shower, eat some breakfast, its the least you could do, and by the way last nite was very lovely, however you did leave some markings on me which is gonna be hard to cover up on Monday since i have somewhere important i need to be" " Oh my gosh im sorry about that and if its okay then i'll borrow your bathroom, cos i smell like after sex and a bar " he laughed and pointed me to where the bathroom was. He seemed like he was a well off guy, he lived alone in a very nice studio apartment, not bad, and he was such a nice guy i wonder why is he still single and why couldnt it have been him that i was in love with and not some guy that is already engaged and barely notices my feelings for him. I let out a big sigh and hurriedly took my shower and brush my teeth, by i came out of the bathroom there was a fresh tshirt put out for me and some boxers, such a considerate guy. Damn why wasnt it him. 

" So what do you do for work " he asked me while we ate breakfast in the kitchen , i wonder what should i tell him eh its not like im going to see him again " I have 2 jobs" " oh really? thats nice" " Yea it gets the bills paid , secretary by day and at night i help my friend out at her host club" " Hmmmm interesting" i nodded my head and down the glass of orange juice then i got up and carried my dishes over to the sink and washed my dishes and by i was finished he was right behind me , awwww this setting was so cute, made it look like we were newlyweds, sighs again, i need to move on, but not yet lets give it some more time. After we finally moved out of each others way i went back to his bedroom and changed back into the clothes i had on last night and i folded his into a neat pile and put it on his bed then i turned around only to see his tall and strog figure in the door way. " Your leaving already?" " Yea i have some stuff i need to do before the sun goes down, thanks for the breakfast, last night and for an awesome time" i smiled and i walked pass him and he followed behind " Hey can i like maybe get your phone number, it would be nice to hang out with you again " i smiled and blushed a little, Tyler never asked me for my phone number, matter of fact he didnt even do anything else with me than had sex, but then thats what i signed up for when i said i would be his ' overtime secretary' damn why wasnt it Ryan i asked me self again until i saw a large hand wave in front my eyes " hello, can i?" " Oh yea sure, whats yours? " and he gave me his numbered and i called his cell phone " There now you have my number and im going to save your name as tall sexy Ryan" i smiled and he smiled and walked me to the door and i kissed him on the cheek and the door closed on what was probably the best relationship i would ever have because im hung up on someone who cant see me. I shook my head and took a deep breath and walked my way out of the building and grabbed the quickest cab home.

Chapter 12

This was the longest hung over i have ever had, it lasted the entire weekend like what the fuck, i wonder what i had to drink with Ryan that night. Speaking of Ryan since Saturday morning when i left his apartment he's been texting me and awe i found it so cute; i couldnt help not reply, even though i thought this would have been a one night stand, oh god what was i going to do about this, and im really hoping that Tyler doesnt find out but still why would he care, besides its not like we're dating or anything and he still havent even text back. I sighed and threw my phone on my bed then i went to the bathroom to take a shower, like hell i hate Mondays, and worse i had to see his face and probably that annoying bitch that shows up every 20 minutes or call.

It took me no time to get ready, i really didnt even care, i wasnt even gonna put in my contact lenses ijust threw my glasses on and pulled my hair up into a tight bun and this time i decided to wear pants, he wasnt going to get lucky  with me today not after what he did this weekend. I left my house and i grabbed the quickest cab i could and headed off to work; when i got there the Michelle that works at the front desk smiled and greeted me and whispered in my ear that the boss's brother was her and i thanked her for that, it was a good thing, so i wouldnt enter his office and the bitch would have to stay away from the building for a few hours. I went up to the top floor and entered the his office area and took my desk at where i would normally be at and began my work. It was relatively easy since i finished most of it, i wonder if i could leave early, i would ask whenever he calls me in. 

 What seems like just shared luck he called " Um Samantha can you come in really quick, i have someone here i want to introduce you to, thank you " and that was it. I got up from my chair and i walked over to where his private office was and i knocked 2 times before i entered and as i approach the table i saw a very tall figure sitting back in out of his chairs in front of his desk and as soon as i walked up the figure and he turned around i recognized him instantly and froze a bit before i hesitantly reached out my hand to shake his and he was the same " Hello, im Samantha,  im Mr. Hemming's personal secretary and its a pleasure to meet his older brother" and he returned the greeting, then it got a little awkward because no said anything after that,  but what was even more weird was the way Tyler was looking at us, was he staring at us from the minute we looked at each other? hmmmm i wondered but i took this chance as a way to ask if i could leave early " Um, not to seem rude sir but may i leave work early today, since im already ahead of my workload?" " No not today, i need your help going over somethings in the afternoon after im finish with Ryan here" " Oh okay, understood sir, i'll be on stand by". I said goodbye to Ryan and i dismissed my self from his office and went back to take my seat, this was so fucking annoying, i wonder what he's gonna do with me later and if he noticed that we knew each other, just on time i got a text message, when i took my phone out i saw Ryan. Oh shit can this get any worse , how was i suppose to know that they were brothers and even worse i slept with him and he knows i slept with Tyler too,countless times . Sighs i really just want to go home and like right now. I kinda regret what i did when i was 16, should have just stayed home.

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