#26 - The Lunch

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*Courtney* ⚠️

I approached my car with Jessica close behind, to see Shayne filming himself doing some dumb impression. I rolled my eyes and smirked, before knocking on the window. He turned his phone off and unlocked my car, but then he saw Jessica, who sat in the back. I could tell Shayne was thinking, 'Why is she here?' However, I remained silent, and we set off towards the restaurant at which we were having lunch.

Eventually we arrived, after an almost silent car journey. Shayne gripped my hand securely, and I smiled. We spotted everyone at a table near the back, and they had reserved two seats for Shayne and I, but there was no room for Jessica. I pulled a chair over and put it next to Damien, as he had the most space, and Jessica sat down. Everyone eyed her up, before I cleared my throat.

"So, what's everyone having?"

As the lunch continued, the awkward atmosphere only grew. I could tell Jessica wanted to leave, so I asked her to come to the bathroom with me.

"Jessica, just tell them all what you're thinking, honestly. These are your coworkers. They'll understand, and if they don't, I'll make them."

Jessica laughed, "Okay, thank you."

We returned to the table, and Jessica sat down, before saying, "I know you all hate me for what I did to Shayne and Courtney. I'm sorry, really, I apologised to them in person. Courtney suggested that I should come to lunch to say sorry, I'm your coworker after all. Please try and understand how sorry I am, and really, I'm not that bad of a person. I'm sure if you got to know me a little better, you might like me."

Everyone sat there, shocked at Jessica's bravery. Before long, they began questioning her, asking her about her past and whatnot, until eventually she was actually beginning to settle in. She was laughing and even cracking a few jokes, as was everyone else, and when the food arrived, the atmosphere was fairly comfortable, that is until Shayne became a little excited.

I felt a warm sensation of my thigh, and as I had shorts on I suspected I had dropped food on my lap, however, as I looked down, I noticed Shayne was massaging my bare legs with his right hand. I blushed deeply and looked at him, but he was nonchalantly eating, only using his left hand. I don't know how he managed, he was right handed, but nevertheless, he continued stroking my leg. I slapped his arm but he didn't move.

"Later," I whispered.

Shayne ignored me, and his fingers edged closer to the seam of my denim shorts. I jumped up slightly as his index finger slipped beneath the seam, and began tugging at my panties. Everyone gave me a strange look, so I returned an awkward smile and continued eating. Shayne suppressed his laughter, and I looked at him with an annoyed expression.

"Shayne, stop. Later, please. Not now."

Again, he ignored me, and his hand only delved deeper beneath my shorts, until eventually four of his fingers were in contact with my panties. I bit my knuckle and slapped Shayne's hand, but he remained adamant.

"You alright Courtney?" Olivia asked.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"You were biting your knuckle," Keith stated with a confused expression.

"I hit my knee on the table," I lied.

"Oh okay," everyone seemed to buy that, somehow.

They returned to their conversations, and Jessica had luckily become the centre of attention, as she grew on the others. I had more important things to focus on, though. Shayne's entire hand was now in my shorts, delicately playing with my panties and of course, what was beneath them. I suppressed my moans with all of the effort in my body, but Shayne didn't stop.

"Please... please stop, Shayne, I might cum," I whimpered quietly in his ear.

"Good, just what I want," Shayne whispered in return.

I blushed, before resorting to desperate measures. I pinched the shit out of Shayne's hand, digging my nails into his flesh, and finally, he pulled his hand away. He looked at me and grinned, and I couldn't help but smile in return.

"You're an asshole," I whispered.

Shayne smiled, "Usually pain spurs me on," he said, subtly gesturing towards his back.

I blushed again, he was referring to how I clawed at his back when we'd have sex. My vagina was still pulsating from what Shayne was doing just moments before, and as I zipped my shorts back up, a wave of lust overcame me.

"You wanna go home?" I whispered in Shayne's ear.

He smiled and looked at me, separating us from the conversation with the others, "You want more now, don't you?"

I nodded, Shayne smirked.

"Well, I could just finish you off here," he suggested, sipping his water.

I smiled, "Not here, baby."

Shayne grinned, "Fine. I think everyone's done, anyway, so we'll pay and then we can go."

I sighed ironically, "Well hurry, I fucking need you right now."

Shayne smirked again, before kissing my cheek. Everyone shot us weird looks again. Everyone other than Damien, whose eyes were fixated on Jessica. I smirked.

Eventually, we paid the bill, said goodbye, and raced home. Four hours later, we were entangled in one another's limbs, as well as the bed sheets. Shayne's nude body slid against mine beneath the sheets, and I smiled.

"Love you," I whispered, kissing his chest.

"Love you more," Shayne returned.

I didn't argue this time, I just continued kissing his torso, running my tongue along the length of his abdominal scar. Shayne was my world, and I was his.

Shourtney AU - Loving So Hard (Mature)Where stories live. Discover now