#99 - A New Chapter

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~ Three years and five months later ~


"Mommy mommy mommy! Look!" Skylar screamed maniacally, splashing around in our paddling pool in the backyard.

"Well done sweetheart!" I yelled back, proud of my little girl.

She shot me that adorable smile of hers and continued smacking the water, spraying Shayne with tiny droplets. He groaned playfully and Skylar giggled, ruffling her dad's blonde hair.

I smiled warmly as I observed the two of them behaving like lunatics, crashing around in the tepid water amidst floats and little toys. Shayne proceeded to pluck Skylar out of the water and set her down onto the grass so they could get something to drink, before sitting down at the table.

Skylar edged over to me slowly, an annoyed expression across her innocent countenance.

"Can Grayson not get in, mommy?" she asked sweetly, kissing her brother's crinkly forehead.

Grayson. The newest addition to the Topp clan. Shayne and I had always wanted another child after Sky, and he came into our lives just four months prior. We loved him ever so dearly, as did Skylar. She was so sweet and gentle with him. Everyone knew she'd make an excellent older sister.

I cradled our new-born in my embrace as his elder sibling made silly faces in front of him, making him grumble with happy noises.

"No baby, I'm sorry. Gray's too little to go in the water, but Auntie Liv and Uncle Sam will be here soon, and they can play with you and Dad in the pool."

My suggestion turned out to be sufficient for our little girl, and she bounded back into the pool with glee. Shayne and I shared a smile, overwhelmingly satisfied with this new chapter in our lives.

The scorching Californian sun beat down on the four of us as we waited for our friends, celebrating Skylar's fourth birthday. Four years of manic, relentless, never-ending bliss. Absolute perfection.


"Save me Auntie Liv!" Skylar screeched, fleeing Sam's attempts to catch her.

Olivia chuckled and picked Skylar up swiftly, kissing her chubby left cheek and ensuring Skylar's swaying limbs avoided her stomach. Sam grinned and took my daughter from her arms, spinning around and tossing her in the air, before catching her firmly again.

"Feeling the pain yet?" I asked cautiously.

A small grin was Olivia's response as she sat back down, "Oh yeah, just a bit. More uncomfortable than anything though."

I cackled like a freak, gently rubbing my friend's belly, "It only gets worse, don't you worry."

"Oh great," Olivia sighed with a simper.

Shayne sipped his drink, "It's okay, Olivia, you've got us and you've got Sam. You'll be alright."

She smiled warmly, "Oh you guys, I don't expect you to help me out, what with Gray and Sky and everything. You're pretty busy yourselves."

I grasped her shoulder, "We'll always help out wherever we can, no matter what."

A tear slalomed down Olivia's smooth cheek, and she nodded reverently, lost for words. Shayne and I exchanged warm smiles, and he quickly kissed my cheek.


A few hours later the place was buzzing, Skylar being spoilt for choice over all the presents she was getting. The sun arched over our house as Shayne barbecued some burgers for everyone, and I tended to Grayson as Damien watched Skylar, fulfilling his duties as the godfather. Soothing golden-orange light illuminated the garden as the day edged closer to its end, Skylar yawning repeatedly and Grayson already fast asleep.

"Say thanks to everyone, Sky," Shayne instructed.

Our little daughter waved and gave each of our friends a small kiss on the cheek, before grasping Shayne's hand as he took her to bed. I followed him upstairs with Grayson tucked in my embrace to hear the voices outside gradually dimming to a quiet lull, and the two of us set Grayson down before helping Skylar brush her teeth and change into her pyjamas.

"Night night baby, love you. Happy birthday," I whispered, kissing her forehead.

She smiled in return, yawning yet again. Shayne kissed her cheek, prior to him brushing a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear and tucking her bedsheets in more firmly.

We silently left her bedroom, pulling the door to, before kissing swiftly. That same spark still remained, exactly as before. It would never fade. And a wave of desire overcame me synonymous with the spark, but Shayne and I had our friends over, and so we quashed said want, and returned outside.

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