#58 - Ripped To Ribbons

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A/N: Just like the song, to be honest, and it kind of fits the chapter.
Enjoy one of the most difficult things I've had to write, and thank you all so, so much for reading yet again.
Quick shoutouts to @bellishipper4567, @kissmyassbish and @Kat_trix7 for staying so loyal to me throughout every one of my books, consistently providing positive comments and constructive criticism.
Of course, I still love every other reader, so please don't be offended if I haven't mentioned you, it's just that these three have repeatedly voted and commented, and so for that I'm extremely grateful.
Anyway, sorry for rambling on! Enjoy!


After confronting Shayne's parents earlier that day, I found it difficult to rest once he and I had returned home. He held me in his protective embrace yet again as we snuggled up together beneath the thick sheets on the bed we had built together, but something felt off.

Deep down I knew what it was, but I didn't want to relive that moment again. The worst day of my life...

Since seeing Shayne's parents I couldn't help but force myself to reimagine the scene of Shayne tearing my heart out of my chest and discarding it absentmindedly.

We laid there together quietly, with Shayne fast asleep. His gentle snoring soothed me, and I did smile a little. I laid atop him and buried my face in his neck, nibbling the skin whilst simultaneously whispering about how much I loved him. A sleepy smile drifted over his countenance, and I kissed his soft lips once more, before falling asleep on top of him.

I don't know what suddenly overcame me, but it was as if my ethereal self was torn out of my body, and I was looking down at Shayne and I sleeping, and before I knew it, I was transported to my bedroom, back in Thousand Oaks. It all looked too familiar, and within an instant, the scene changed once more:

Ugh. Revising for finals was always such a drag. Luckily, I only had one exam left, and then I was done with studying... forever! What was even better was the fact that Shayne was already completely finished, meaning we had our entire lives ahead of us as soon as I was done. I honestly couldn't wait to become an adult alongside my perfect boyfriend.

Being in love was a strange feeling, a good feeling, but strange nonetheless. I felt nigh on invincible around Shayne now, and we had been going strong for three years. We even won 'best couple' in our high school's senior yearbook. I loved him ever so much.

My daydreaming was interrupted by a shout from my dad downstairs, "Courtney! Shayne is here!"

My mood was instantly bettered and I couldn't stop smiling as I raced downstairs. Shayne remained outside, dressed in a tight T-Shirt which flawlessly highlighted his muscle definition, making me blush as always. My dad walked to the kitchen as I passed him to greet Shayne. Something was off though, his expression was not one of pure joy when he saw me as it usually was. His handsome countenance was laced with anxiety and sadness, and his complexion was a few shades paler than normal.

I went in to give him a kiss but he backed away a few inches. Something was definitely wrong.

"Babe what the hell? Is everything alright?"

He looked past me with a dejected look, and pure despair lingered deep within his pupils.

"Come take a walk with me," his voice was quiet and meek.

I frowned and accepted his request, closing my front door behind me. We walked along in silence, with Shayne making it obvious enough that he didn't want to hold my hand, completely crushing my heart. I wouldn't let myself get defeated yet, though. Whilst my mind was flooded with paranoid thoughts, I knew Shayne's sadness wouldn't have anything to do with our relationship. We were Shayne and Courtney. Everything was perfect, right?

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