#71 - Sunlight

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*Shayne* ⚠️

I awoke slowly with the biggest grin imaginable plastered across my face. Light pierced through the curtains and shone down upon myself and my newly-wedded wife. Her soft blonde hair flowed exuberantly over her cute, sleeping face that was resting on my chest, and a few particular strands elegantly fluttered at irregular intervals due to her gentle snores. My left arm was entrapped beneath her body, encompassing her petite frame, whilst my right hand stroked her cheek ever so slightly, feeling the barely-noticeable aftermath of acne from her teenage years, a flaw that made me love her to an even greater extent.

"I love you so much," my voice was barely a whisper, but I kissed her forehead gently and a small smile spread across her lips.

Her left arm was atop my torso whilst her right arm was trapped beneath the covers and her naked body, but I could feel her fingers brush against my leg every now and then. Both of her smooth legs were somehow placed over my waist, but then I remembered what position we were in when we fell asleep.

"I love you so very very much," I repeated this phrase several times, but I didn't care, I would sing to the whole goddamn world about how much I loved my wonderful wife.

She sleepily smiled once more, but I knew she wasn't awake yet. I carefully grabbed her left hand and inspected her diamond wedding ring, as well as the diamond and emerald engagement ring, whilst grinning with a small tear in my eye. I then looked at my own platinum ring reaching around my finger, and I smirked once more. How was I so lucky? What had I done to deserve this quality of life? My life was perfect. My wife was perfect.

I looked over at her perfected sculpture of a face once more and smiled greatly. Then I checked the alarm clock on the bedside table behind her and noticed it was 9:30am, we had to be at the airport soon to leave for Barbados at 3pm. Therefore, I left gentle kisses all over my wife's stunning face.

"Baby, time to wake up," my tone of voice was soft and quiet.

Her beautiful heterochromatic eyes soon opened sleepily, and a stupid grin was plastered along her lips.

"Good morning Mrs Topp," I said with a small laugh, kissing her once more.

She snuggled up to me whilst smiling greatly.

"I will never get tired of hearing that," she chuckled.

We kissed once more. Our eyes then locked.

"I love you so much, Shayne," she stated, still smiling widely.

"I love you more, Courtney Topp," I replied.

"Not possible."

She threw her naked body atop mine and we began to kiss once more, however, this time was far more passionate. Our nude figures intertwined perfectly, just as they had done the night before, and just like they had done for years on end.

Courtney's radiant skin seemed to pulsate with a majestic diamond-like sparkle as shards of sunlight struck her sexy frame, and her short, choppy blonde hair trickled onto my face. Moreover, her delicate hands roamed my body, exploring every inch of bare skin, and I followed suit, nibbling her flesh with every kiss.

The bed shook lightly as we made love, leaving the covers off to allow the sun to soak our conjoined bodies. Courtney's back arched as she proceeded to do her own thing atop me, moaning and squeaking with even the most minimal movements from me.

She gripped my hands atop her breasts as she violently finished with a shaking stature and pleasure-laden face, before collapsing on top of me and panting heavily. I sucked the skin on her smooth neck, leaving a legacy of dark purple bruises, accompanied by satisfied whimpers from my wife.

Courtney then rolled off of me and gripped my hand. The two of us stared at the ceiling, not retaliating against our infectious smiles.

"I could do this all day," Courtney managed.

I chuckled, "You sure? You still black out pretty much every time you cum!"

Her cute, embarrassed giggle could soon be heard, and as I gazed at her I noticed she was blushing deeply, "You should be proud of that."

I laughed once more, "Oh, I am."

Shourtney AU - Loving So Hard (Mature)Where stories live. Discover now