#56 - Dilemma

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Kari? Olivia? Kari, or Olivia? How the hell was I ever going to choose one maid of honour!? One was like a sister to me, supporting me throughout high school and getting me my dream job, and the other was my actual sister, who taught me literally everything I knew about life.

The dilemma was driving me crazy, and my stress levels were exponentially rising at an ever-increasing rate, not showing any signs of slowing down. On the upside, I had managed to choose all of my bridesmaids: Boze, Mari, Jessica and Sarah.

Shayne had suggested that I choose both Kari and Olivia, but I wasn't sure how I could split the responsibilities of a maid of honour in half. They'd have to work together a lot, and whilst Olivia and Kari had met on various occasions, they weren't exactly best friends, therefore, it may be a little awkward if I forced the two of them to work in harmony.

My indecisive nature did not make the situation any easier, and the last thing I wanted would be to hurt one of them, or cause any form of upset.

Eventually though, I realised I had to make a decision. Therefore, I sat the two of them down in mine and Shayne's living room after inviting them over, and I began, not even knowing who I was going to choose myself.

"I just wanna start things off by saying I love you both so, so much, and without you two I don't know where I'd be."

Olivia and Kari smiled at one another before smiling at me, and then they encouraged me to continue.

"Kari, you've been the best sister I could have ever asked for, teaching me all I know and basically reminding me when not to be an idiot, so for that, I must thank you."

Kari chuckled, "You're very welcome, sis."

I smiled again and then addressed Olivia, "Liv. My best friend since high school. You're the girl who helped me win over Shayne's heart, and the girl who kept me going after he left. You're also the girl who got me my dream job which, funnily enough, reunited me with the only man I've ever been with after years of loneliness and despair, and for that, I must thank you."

A solitary tear trickled down my cheek, and Olivia and Kari pulled me in for a hug.

"You won Shayne over yourself, Court," Olivia commented.

The three of us chuckled slightly, before pulling away from the hug.

"I love you both so much, how the hell do I choose one of you!?" I blabbered.

Olivia continued to comfort me and Kari sighed deeply, "You should pick Olivia."

I looked up at her, stunned, as did Olivia, but Kari only smiled.

"Kari, you're her sister, it should be you," Olivia stated warmly.

Kari shook her head, "Olivia, you've given Courtney a life with Shayne. You're the one who helped her reconnect with him after she was miserable for years without him, not seeing anyone else, constantly remaining terrified of that damn forest in which he left her, and you're the one who got her the job she had always wanted, giving her an opportunity to distance herself from that God-awful pharmacy which she despised."

Olivia frowned, "But Kari, you taught Courtney everything she knows. You helped her develop into the woman she is today, and you've protected her ever so well, it should be you!"

Kari opened her mouth to retaliate once more, but instead, I interjected.

"Girls! This is my wedding, so I get to choose my maids of honour."

"Maids?" Kari and Olivia asked in unison.

I grinned whilst nodding, "I want both of you as my maids of honour. The only reason I was hesitant about having two before was because I didn't know how compatible you two would be together, but you've both just proven that you're perfectly capable of looking after each other."

They laughed whilst playfully slapping me, before pulling me in for a hug once more. I loved Kari and Olivia ever so much.

Shourtney AU - Loving So Hard (Mature)Where stories live. Discover now