#47 - The Plan

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I wanted to propose to Courtney. That was my epiphany. We had obviously planned to get married someday, but 'someday' was finally here. I could barely conceal my glee, and people around the office were starting to notice, including Courtney.

Finally, one day, I managed to tell my friends the plan:

Courtney was off sick one day, obviously to my displeasure, however, going to work alone gave me the opportunity to tell everyone my plan. I strode into the office, brimming with joy, and luckily for me, literally everyone was there.

"Hey Shayne. Courtney feeling okay?" Olivia asked.

I nodded, "She's alright, just a bad cold."

Everyone voiced their condolences and whatnot, and then I announced myself once again, gaining their attention, "I need your guys' help."

"What's up?" Damien asked.

I grinned, "I wanna propose to Courtney."

Everyone in the room froze, and it was as silent as space. The only audible sounds were distant voices down the corridor, but finally, somebody spoke up.

"Are you serious?" Jessica's voice was quiet.

I nodded sincerely, "Serious."

And then, as quickly as the sound died out, cheers and screams erupted around the room. I was enveloped in a group hug, and Olivia cried her eyes out. 'Shourtney' chants reverberated around the room, putting the biggest grin imaginable on my face, and I cried happy tears too. Eventually, everyone pulled away and readied themselves for me to speak.

"What do you need us to do, Shayne?" Damien asked.

I cleared my throat, "Okay. Olivia, Jessica, I need you two on Courtney duty. Make sure she remains oblivious."

They nodded, I then faced the boys.

"Damien, Noah, Keith, I need you three to help me find a ring, send me brochures, magazines, contact details, anything."

"You got it," they responded in unison.

Everyone 'awwed' and I continued crying happy tears, "Once I have the ring, I'll let you all know the final stage of the plan, just be ready alright, please?"

They nodded and enveloped me in a hug once more. I couldn't wait...

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