#31 - The New Couple

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Three weeks had passed since the party, and they were three great weeks. Sam and Olivia were official and deeply in love, Noah and Tiffany were going strong, Keith had finally introduced us to his girlfriend, Roxanne, and Damien and Jessica... well...

"Courtney Courtney Courtney I need to talk to you!" Jessica said hastily, rushing into the Squad Office.

I was alone, working on a script. Shayne was shooting a 'Show With No Name' with the boys, and Olivia had the day off. It was early in the morning, so Jessica's excitement came as a surprise to me.

"What's up, Jess?" I asked.

"Basically, last night..."

"Yeah?" I egged her on.

"Damien and I kissed!" Jessica squealed.

I jumped to my feet in shock, "You did?"

She nodded, "It was amazing, everything I had hoped for. He was so sweet and tender and gentle, and it felt so right, you know?"

"Sit down Jess, tell me everything. Where? When? How?"

We sat on the couch together and Jessica relayed the story.

She began, "Last night Damien invited me over to watch Pulp Fiction with him, because I'd never seen it and he always made fun of me, and... anyway, I went over, dressed a little provocatively to be honest. We watched the film, made a few jokes, but halfway through, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I froze, not really knowing what to do. We stayed that way for a good thirty minutes, and I relaxed into his arms. The movie ended, but we remained still, just cuddling. Our eyes locked, and I don't know what overcame me, but I just kissed him. I kissed him so goddamn hard."

I hugged and congratulated her, "So then what happened?"

"He asked me to be his girlfriend!" Jessica exclaimed.

I hugged her again, "Oh, I'm so happy for you Jess!"

"I'm happy for me too!"

The two of us laughed, before continuing to talk about what had happened, and moments later, Damien entered the room, accompanied by Shayne, Noah and Keith.

"Hey baby," Shayne said, kissing me.

I kissed him back, "Hey, I missed you."

He smiled, "I missed you too."

Everyone else started talking amongst themselves, but Shayne and I continued whispering to each other.

"I've got great news!" Shayne said quietly.

"Really? Me too."

We both smiled, and Shayne allowed me to go first, "Damien and Jessica are dating!"

Shayne's smile disappeared.

"What?" I asked.

"That was the great news I had," he chuckled.

We laughed again, and Shayne said, "I'm so happy for them."

I nodded in agreement, "Me too."

Eventually, Damien and Jess made their relationship public. Everyone shipped the hell out of them, including the fans obviously. We all went on nights out together, as couples, and that was nice. Most of the time though, Shayne and I were accompanied by Olivia and Sam, and Damien and Jessica, simply due to the fact that we hardly knew Roxanne, Keith's girlfriend, and Noah's girlfriend Tiffany worked extremely long hours as she was a nurse. Nevertheless, we all managed to hang out once in a while, and it was great. Shayne and I could finally spend time with other couples, something we couldn't do before.

Those hectic three weeks were great, however, there was a huge downside. Shayne, as a matter of fact, had indeed broken his nose, meaning he had a small white plaster stretching horizontally across it. Whilst it was painful and annoying for him, it proved to be a little beneficial for me, due to the fact that, in a weird way, it kind of turned me on. It accentuated his rugged and handsome features, making him look like some kind of action move hero.

Every other couple was going strong and steady, but Shayne and I were on fire as always. Everything was perfect between us, however, a perfect relationship doesn't always come with a perfect job...

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