Still Unclear

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"What caused the big bad bully to change?" You questioned.

"Something that I yet can not tell you."

"Where are we going tomorrow?"

"You will see."


You weren't the one to skip school but you just did not want to face anyone at school at the moment. If Chaeyeon your closest friend had something to say about you then the rest probably did too. It as just a normal day like anyother day. You woke up, changed for schoo,l ate breakfast and said bye to Jungyeon who was the only one awake. Only you didn't go to school and for once it was nice to not be treated as a disabled person. There was nothing wrong with the love you recieved from your nine mothers, your nine friends, your doctor, your teacher and even a bit from Minjoo but you couldn't help but feel useless in this situation.

Though it was something you would never do it made you feel free to be able to do your own thing. Granted you can not use any of "your" credit cards today or you subway pass as Jihyo kept track of any money you use. You met Younggun at the subway station closest to your school and got into Younggun's car. You didn't know why but the moment Younggun took you to Seoul Forest yesterday, there was a an instant disappearance of your hatred for the said girl. Since your conditoned spurred you felt normal, or at least how normal could feel.

Looking out the window you noticed the city sky scrapers turn into rural trees and power lines. You turned around towards Younggun with a questioning look but she had her eyes closed. You continued to look out the window when a country house pulled up after. Yunggun showed you around the house and spent the day trying to teach you how to ride a house, in which you told her that you would rather not ride a horse due the the known soreness of any first time rider.

The whole day was spent with you and Younggun spending time together and some personal stories were exchanged. She learned about you being orphaned, threatened, and almost killed a point in your life. You learned that Younggun was not as bad as she turned out to be just wanting to be loved. How ironic that one does not want to feel the love she has for one day while one wants that love for a day. On the way back the both of you fell asleep, and once you were awake again it was nine in the evening. You noticed the multiple miss calls from your friends and family. You knew you had a to tell them but you really wanted to be selfish for this one a it was something you could have. Younggun wasn't necessary your friend but that fact that she didn't "know" you had comfort to it.


Younggun dropped you off at your apartment complex and waiting till you were safelty behind the glass doors before heading back to her own house. You reached your floor and took the steps to your dorm. No matter how many excuses you made in your head nothing was going to prepare you for what was going to come at you now. Twice, especially Jihyo, can be really predictable. and you honestly couldn't predict what was going to happen to you as this was your first time doing something like this. You waited outside of your dorm for the longest time trying to get rid of your fear behind that door.

Putting in the code to your door you knew that there was no going back as each inputted number beeped and echoed through out the dorm, or the messy living room that has the intercom at. You closed the door slowly and even despite the imputted beepings you hoped no one would come looking for you as you really did not want to explain anything right now. Well actually you didn't have a good enough excuse for it yet.

The dorm seemed way to quiet at a time like this. You had two steps left till you reached the comfort of your dark room. So it came to your surprise when you ran your shoulder into the looked door. The silence in the room was interuppted by a cough of a god. Now you understood to why people said not to get a god angry. Jihyo had her arms crossed and no emotion on her face. You smiled and it quickly disappeared as you rubbed the back of your neck and clear your throat, a thing you did when you were guilty of something.

"Where have you been?" Jihyo was not yelling but you could hear the thunder in the background, and it was clear clouds and sunny the whole day.

"I was in a rural area of Seoul."


"Because I need a day for myself."

"Then why didn't you tell us where you went?" Jihyo now crossed her arms.

"Because you are always trying to talk it out with out giving me time to get any sense of time to see a different point of view. I love you I really do but there are things in my life that you can't explain either. Please just leave me alone!"

"Jihyo don't take it the wrong way, You could always give her time."

"I don't want her to think she is always alone. If I could take it all way I would. She is right though, the abnormity in her life keep showing up one after another. And we don't have the answer to everything. Everything is still so unclear."

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