・: XIII :・

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"Is that all you know?" Taehyung asked coldly into the phone as he paced around your empty apartment. "Are his men really alive? Does hyung know? Is that why he's after her?"

He bit down hard on the nail of his pinky as he continued to pace around your room. He was afraid of this and tired his best to keep you out of their radar, but no matter what he did and how hard he tried you still had to get yourself into this mess.

"Yes and... no... But that's all I can say for now. There are somethings I can't say over the phone so when I'm back in Korea we need to meet up and discuss our plan of action. And if something were to happen to me, just know that I'll hide the info at the usual place" The man on the other end of the phone replied as Taehyung let out a frustrated sigh.

"Fine, let's talk then. Hyung, you're stronger than most so I know you'd be able to kill anyone after you. But still... Remember to take care" he stated before shutting his phone off and glancing down at the iPad in his hands. He watched as Jimin was carrying you in his arms. You were such an idiot to fall for his trap so easily, but he knew better than to rush into Jimin's apartment right now. You would be safer there then here anyways now that he knew Jimin was interested in you.

"You're such an annoying brat you know. Y/N, just how stupid can you be to not know hyung isn't a prostitute? Like seriously, what prostitute can afford such an expensive apartment or even have a shoot out at their own wedding?" Taehyng said aloud as he placed his gun inside of his coat pocket. "Guess I have to do some spring cleaning now~"

Just then something on your bookshelf caught Taehyung's attention- it was a miniature charred wooden treasure box of sorts. As he picked it up he became curious of where you may have gotten it.

" Why would you have something like this?" he asked aloud to himself as he tried to open it, only to find it was sealed shut. Upon closer examination he made out a small hole, possibly for an unfamiliar key.

"Hmm..." he began to think of the possible places you may have hidden the key at, but nothing came to mind. He had lived with you for so long that you hiding things from him was something that never really occurred.

"I guess I'll ask hyung if he can make me a spare for this" he mumbled to himself as he hid the box inside another one of his coat pockets.


"This might hurt a bit" Jin whispered as he adjusted the cast on your arm, "but it should heal fairly quickly if you make sure to stay put and not get yourself into trouble"

"I have class and work the next day so I doubt another incident like tonight would happen" you let out a chuckle as you glanced around the room. "By the way, where is he?"

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