Chapter 2

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B I L L I E   E I L I S H


Hey Aaron can you give me Riley's number

Yeah I gotchu

Thanks bro


It's Billie btw

Oh hey Bil I thot you were some dude who wanted drugs
What's up

You wanna hang out

Yeah sure
Send me your address my apartment sucks



I sent her my address and cleaned up my room a little bit. I didn't want it to be super messy. Part of me wanted to impress Riley. She was low-key intimidating. And kinda hot. Wait. What the fuck? I'm straight.

Twenty minutes later there was a knock at the door.  I quickly opened it, revealing Riley standing there in a jean jacket and her signature backpack on her shoulders.

"Don't bring drugs into my house," I said.

"A hello would've been nice. And don't worry, it's empty."

I stepped aside and let her come in. She put her backpack on the floor and wandered around, touching the piano keys and picking up family pictures.

"You gotta nice house."

"Thanks, I guess," I said. "C' mon, I'll show you my room." I led her my room and turned on the red lights. "Tada."

"Cool," she said, plopping down on my bed. I sat down next to her.

"Tell me about yourself," I said.

"What do you wanna know?"

"I don't know. What's your last name?"


"Middle name?"

"Don't have one."

"Everyone has a middle name."

"I don't."

"Where are you from?"


"Why'd you come to LA?"


"What reasons?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Why not?"

"Because the less you know the better."

"What does that mean?"

"You ask too many questions," she said, standing up and walking around my room, touching random things. "Let me ask some. What's it like being famous?"

"It sucks. I can't go anywhere without someone wanting a picture. But honestly, I wouldn't trade it for anything."

"Let me hear your music." I sighed and connect my phone to my Bluetooth speaker. Bellyache starting playing. Riley nodded along.

When it was over, she said, "Not bad, Eilish, not bad." She sat back down on the bed next to me. Our legs touched. I looked down at where they were touching and awkwardly scooted over a little bit.

"Do I make you uncomfortable, Eilish?" she said, smirking.

"Uh, what? No. Not at all."

"Don't lie to me. I hate liers."

It got weird and silent. "You got any siblings?" I asked, trying to make it less awkward.

"None that I know of."

"What does that mean?"

"I haven't seen my family in over 5 years, Billie."

"Oh. I'm sorry, that sucks. Can I ask why?"

She sighed. "The less you know the better. You got any siblings?"

"Yeah, I got a brother, Finneas. He makes music with me. Why do you sell drugs?"

"Like I said last night, it's my job."

"Job for what? And don't give me that 'The less you know the better' bullshit. Tell me."

Again, Riley sighed and started playing with her nose piercing. "I'm in a gang, Billie." I stared at her.

"What?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"I'm in a gang. I sell drugs and most of the money I make goes to someone higher up. In return, they pay for my apartment, bills, and some other shit. It's not so much a gang as it is an organized group." I looked at her to continue. "I'm low in the rankings. I only sell. I don't kidnap or kill like some of the others."

"But... why?"

She laid back on the bed and looked at the ceiling. "It's a really long story that I can't get into. But honestly, they're the closest thing I got to a family."

"But, Riley, you can leave, right?" I said, laying down next to her.

"It's not that simple, Bil. Like I said, they're my family now. I can't just leave."

"Aaron's in it too, right?"

"Yeah. That's how I met him." I looked at her sadly. She looked back at me. Damn, she has nice ass eyes. We just sat there, looking at each other. She started to lean in, and I leaned in too. We got closer and closer... Until her phone rang. She sighed, annoyed, and answered.

"What, Xavier. Yeah. Okay. I'll be right there." Riley hung up and stood. "This was fun Billie, but I gotta go. I understand if you don't wanna hang out any more cause of the whole 'gang' shit. I would get it. Bye."

"Wait, uh... I don't wanna stop hanging out cause of that." She kinda smiled at that.

"Thanks, Billie, I'll see you around."

"Bye, Ry." She grabbed her backpack and walked out of the door, closing it behind her.

Hold up.

We almost... kissed.

Oooh it's getting spicy. I promise, next chapter it's gonna get even better.

Real Love Hurts // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now