Chapter 5

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B I L L I E   E I L I S H

I woke up the next morning wrapped up in Riley's arms, wearing one of her shirts. I looked over, and she was still asleep, wearing one of my shirts, drooling a little. Aw. I may or may not have taken a picture of this. I carefully crawled out of her arms without waking her and walked to the little kitchen she had. I opened the fridge and pulled out some grapes, taking a handful, then walking to the couch where Luci was sleeping. It was already noon, so there was a nice sunny spot for him to sleep in, and he was clearly enjoying it.

I sat there for a minute, eating my grapes, and taking in Riley's small, but nice, apartment. It had a bed in one corner, the kitchen in the next, the couch in front of the bed with a TV mounted on the wall. Next to the kitchen were a series of doors, which I was assuming was closets or bathrooms. And in the last corner was a small desk next to an electric guitar. She must play.

I got up and sat in the desk chair facing the PC on the desk. There was a launchpad, a microphone, and a synth piano hooked up the computer and a pair of headphones sitting there. I put on the headphones and moved the mouse lightly. The screen lit up and what looked like a music program popped up on the screen. There was a folder titled "Works" off to the side, so I clicked on it. A bunch of mp3 files showed up, so I clicked on one titled "Silence". A chill lo-fi beat filled the headphones. I nodded along to the synth line and relaxed in the chair. Ry made this? It's pretty good, wonder why she never told me.

As it was nearing towards the end of the song, I felt a pair of arms snake around my shoulders. I paused the song and took off the headphones.

"I see you found my music."

"Yeah, sorry, I was snooping," I said, looking up and over my shoulder at Riley.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it's good. How come you never told me?"

"Never came up."

"Do you release any of this?"

"Yeah, independently. Look up 'LAW' in all caps on Spotify." She said, and I did. I clicked on the first profile, whose picture was a cherry blossom tree.

"You have 1.5 million monthly listeners. What the fuck."

"Oh, yeah, I guess I do." I looked at her weird when she said this.

"Oh, YeAh, I gUeSs I dO bruh you're like, kinda famous, the fuck."

"No, I'm not." I just shook my head. "You wanna do something today?" she asked.

"Nah, not really, I just wanna lay in bed."

"Okay, come on." She pulled me out of the chair and onto her bed. I put my head on her chest and cuddled up to her.

"Hey, what's this?" I said, pointing to a tattoo on her inner left bicep.

"It's a tattoo, dumbass."

"No shit, what does it mean?" The tattoo was 6 dark black numbers all next to each other. "900568." I read out loud.

"It's just numbers, Billie."

"No one gets a bunch of bold numbers on their arm for no reason."

"Well, I did."

"You're lying to me. It means something, and you're not telling me."

"You know what, you got me, it's my favorite number."

"Your favorite number is 900,568?"


"Stop lying. Tell me what it means. Tell me. Tell me. Tellllllll meeeeeee. Now. Now. Tell me now."

"Billie, stop, you're being annoying."

"That's the point. Tell me. Tell me or I'll post a picture that I took of you this morning on Instagram for all of my millions of followers to see."

"Bil, you better not."

"Mmmmm, but I might. Unless you tell me what it means."

"You're not gonna believe me."

"What, yeah I will. Just tell me and I'll leave you alone."

She groaned and sat up. "You have to promise that you won't tell anyone. And I mean anyone. Under any circumstances."

"Okay, I won't. Just tell me."

She sighed and leaned back on the pillows.

"I'm not who you think I am. My name isn't Riley Reynolds."


Uh oh, things getting spicy. Ooh and a cliffhanger. If you're confused, all will be explained next chapter.
If you follow me, thank you, I really appreciate it and appreciate you.

Real Love Hurts // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now