Fuck 2020

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Hey, so this is the author, Ketchup. I know it's been a while. About a year, actually. Over this year, this book has gained more and more traction. Honestly, I started writing this as a little closeted gay who was obsessed with Billie Eilish and needed somewhere to let out all of my gayness. A lot has changed since then. I'm out, I got help for my mental health issues, and despite 2020 and all of its shittiness, I have a girlfriend who I've been dating not-so-long distance with for seven months now (her parents are homophobic and suck, but we're not getting into that.) Anyway, the reason I'm writing this is to say that I am continuing this book, don't worry. I started writing it again. And as for that other book I was talking about, it has a few chapters written, but I'm not promising anything. Another chapter for this book could come out tomorrow, or maybe next week, or maybe I'll disappear for another year, who knows. I just want to say thank you guys for all the love, it makes me feel really good to know ya'll are enjoying this. In conclusion, all cops are bastards, black lives matter, fuck trump, and I hope ya'll get through 2020 alive. 


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