Part 3

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'So we're sleeping tougher huh' he winked and I threw a pillow at him. He caught it and threw it back at me and before I knew it we were both throwing pillows around. I turned around to grab one off the floor and he hit me right on the bum. I stoop up and put a fake shocked expression on my face; tom just blushed and grinned. I shoved him off of the bed and payed down on it but before I could even breathe tom was back on his feet and had already shoved me back. We ended up in a playful fight on the bed until we actually realised what we were doing. I was laying on top of him and we just stared into each other's eyes. I felt a spark. A spark I hadn't felt in 2 years, since me and ty got together but this time there was something else. A sense of peace and calm yet a sense of tension...sexually.
'Is this how we're gonna sleep tonight?' I rolled my eyes and brought myself off of him.
'I'm going outside' I said.
'But it's raining'
'I like the rain' I snapped and smiled at him. He was laying on the bed with a confused face, it was tipping it down but I adored the sound of rain. It soothes me, the most calming noise I could ever hear. When things get extremely rough with ty I normally stand on the balcony in my big black hoodie. I could stand there for hours, as the rain hits my body I feel a sense of relief. I feel like All my troubles just wash away with the rain that flows off the balcony floor.

I put on my black hoodie and stood in the dark while the rain hit my head. I gazed out at the beautiful site of the many lights spread across this city. A much better view than a dirty grey block of flats.
'Aren't you cold love?' Said a husky voice. I turned around to see tom resting his arm against the glass door. He was smirking again and it lit a flame in my stomach. I realised I was blushing.
'No' I hid my flushed face and turned around.
'Hm' he wondered off but I didn't want him too. I wanted him here next to me, I wanted to feel his skin pressed up against mine and I was craving his lips more than anything.
I felt a warmth wrap around my shoulders. It was a black jacket, it smelt of tom. I turned around to see his face, his beautiful brown curls, his flushed lips, soft pale skin, his eyes. Those eyes. I could loose myself in them in seconds. He pulled at the collar of his jacket to fix it; His eyes locked with mine.
'I thought you looked cold' he smiled and I blushed and looked at the ground. He lifted my head back up with his hands now caressing my cheek.
' you're so beautiful when your hairs wet'
'And I'm not beautiful when it's dry?'
'Oh please, you're on of the most beautiful people I've ever seen'
'I could say the same thing' the tension between us was growing by the second. As the water fell around us Tom's hair started to fall out of place and dangle in front of his face. I reached my hand up to put the curl back in place bringing us closer than we already were. His chest was pressed up against mine. He placed his hands on my hips and brought his face close to mine. I leaned in with him as our lips pressed together. I put my hand on the back of his neck. It was the most passionate kiss I've ever had. I only hope it mean the same to him.

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