Part 18

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We held hands making our way to our room. Tom said it was too dangerous to kiss while everyone can see us, the press would definitely find out. As soon as I closed the he spun me around and picked me up. I laughed and wrapped my legs around him as he pressed his lips against mine.
'And you're confident we are doing this tonight?' He asked one last time.
'As long as you promise not to run away from me tomorrow morning'
'Of course love'
'Then throw me onto the bed already.' He smirked and did as he was told. He crawled over me and kissed my neck, I took this time to unbutton his shirt and remove his jacket and his tie. I threw them on the floor and he flipped us over so I was on top and he began unzipping my dress. I left hickeys on his neck and listened to the little grunting noises he kept making causing me to giggle in between. When he removed my dress he I clipped my bra and flipped us over one last time.
'You're so beautiful love' he smiled.
'So are you' I ran my hands down his abs and then up to his back. He kissed me one last time then said.
'You promise you are ready for this'
'Stop being so concerned and hurry up'
'I just want you to be sure about this'
'I am tom and I need you' I said and with that sentence he finally understood I was ready for this, he finally realised these feelings he's felt were definitely not lust. It was love.
I woke up laying on his chest, forgetting about last night. I looked down the covers and realised I had no clothes on, and neither did Tom. Then everything came flooding back to me and was overwhelmed with joy.
'Taking a sneaky peak are we?' Tom mumbled.
'I wasn't looking at that I was just looking at-'
'Yeah of course you weren't' he laughed and I playfully smacked his chest. There was a little silence as I cuddled up to him again.
'And you don't regret it at all' he asked.
'Tom I was slightly scared, I'll admit that, but I trust you to be gentle and caring and you were'
'Was it... good?'
'That was the most awkward question you've ever asked' I burst out laughing.
'Come on, every man wants to know if they're good in bed it's just an awkward question to ask' he laughed.
'Yes Tom, it was great' I laughed and he did a little fist pump.
'You're such an idiot'
'You love me really'
'Whatever' I laughed and got out of bed making my way to the bathroom. As soon as I was at the bathroom door I remembered I had no clothes on and looked back to see Tom gazing at me.'
'Put your eyes back in your head'
'I can't help it' he laughed and put his hands over his eyes.

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