Part 22

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We drove home in Toms car. The question his mom asked did startle me as I realised it wouldn't just be his mom that wanted to know. The whole world is still wondering who this mister girl is, who I met the one and only spider-man and what the hell will happen when people find out how we met. It seemed as if lying was the only option, saying we met through some dating app and really 'hit it off'. But I couldn't help but think that people would ask why we decided to travel together and I really couldn't think of an excuse for that.

I was so lost in thought I didn't notice toms eyes flicking back and forth from me and the road as he drove. Before I could overthink the situation anymore, I felt a warm hand grasp mine. I looked up at Tom who was looking at me and smiled. He knew exactly what I was thinking and he was probably worried too but he didn't care as much. He was over the public and the press controlling his life, people telling him what to do, when to do it and why he should. He was concentrating on what he wanted and right now that was to keep me safe.

He parked his car and we walked up to his apartment.
'I forgot to tell you, it's likely my best friend Harrison will be in there and well, the whole reason I was at that café was because we had an argument and I stormed out so I'm sorry if he acts weird' tom apologised.
'It's ok' I smiled and he smiled back at me. He opened the door and there was a blonde boy sat on the sofa, cuddled up with a dog. Instantly as the door opened, the dog came bounding over and jumped up on Tom.
'H-hey Tessa' tom good barely get his words out as the dog was licking his face in excitement and happiness.
'Oh it's you' the blonde boy said, I assumed that was Harrison.
'So you decided to come back where did you-' he paused. He made eye contact with me and I smiled, he smiled back.
'So you found yourself a girlfriend, or did you find me one?' He folded his arms and smiled.
'Cause I wouldn't min-'
' NO! No no no this ones mine' Tom said standing up and putting an arm in front of me.
'Hey I'm my own person I'll have you know'
'Yes I know darling I'm just not letting mr pretty boy over here steal you away form me' Tom turned to me.
'Okay but I thought you were more of a Mr pretty boy'
'Well' he flicked his hair and ran his hands through it. 'Whatever you want to believe' he smirked jokingly. Harrison rolled his eyes and I giggled.
'And I'm guessing this is Tessa' I crouched down to face the dog basically sat on Tom's foot.
'Indeed' he looked down at Tessa, smiling in awe. I stared straight at her admiring her cute little nose. She finally acknowledged me and stepped back a little confused. I put my hand out to show I don't mean any harm and she put her paw in mine. Before I knew it she was in my lap Licking my face. I laughed as she did: it was quite ticklish.
'I forgot to mention she's quite affectionate' tom smiled.
'I can tell' I laughed.
'So how did you two meet?' And there it was. The question, the god damn question. I looked up at Tom who was looking down at me. He told me Harrison was understanding and would probably react in the same way Tom did, which was initially to call the police and get himself killed. I just looked at him and hoped he'd understand I didn't feel ready to tell a bunch of people I barley know.
'Did I miss something?' Harrison asked.
'We'll save that story for another day mate' Tom smiled patting his best friend on the back.
'But y/n needs to stay here for a while so...'
'Yeah that's fine with me, just don't be too loud in the bedroom' he laughed walking to the kitchen.
'Oi!' Tom Warned as I giggled. 'Come on you can put your stuff in my room and we can just go to bed, if that's what you want?'
'Yes please' I smiled. I unpacked my stuff, put on one of Tom's t-shirts and jumped onto his bed.
'This is a lot comfier than my own'
'Well it's basically yours now' he smiled looking at me.
'You don't have to let me stay with you, I can get a place my self-'
'No! Now you're safe I'm not letting you go, even after court or whatever you decide to do. I'm not letting you end up in such a situation again.' He stood sternly, showing his protective side. I smiled, I didn't mind that he felt the need to protect me considering no one had tried to before. I nodded and he climbed into bed after switching off the lights. I felt his arm wrap around me and I felt safe in an instant. He kissed the back of my head and I couldn't think of anything but him. Subconsciously I was still concerned on what I was going to do but it wasn't my main focus. My main focus was the butterflies I had in my stomach as I heard Tom's quite snores in my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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