Part 8

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'Y/n' tom Instantly realised I was upset. He could see the shock and horror in my eyes. The terror of that mans face was something that sent chills down my spine forcing me to freeze where I stand. 'Are you ok?' He asked. As soon as the carriage stopped I grabbed tom's hand and my suitcase and legged it. I knew where the train station was and I headed for there knowing our train couldn't be leaving in that long. Tom didn't even ask what we were running for but he understood it wasn't for fun. I didn't look back the whole time, knowing he was chasing me would have been an even worse feeling than thinking he could be chasing me. Finally I stopped on this bridge over the train tracks to catch my breathe. I looked around, no sign of Tyrone.
The brown eyed boy came panting up the bridged, clearly confused and slightly fatigued.
'What the hell just happened?! Why on Earth were we running and what from I mean we were having a lovely time I don't understand I-' he continued ranting, but his words began to fade away. My focus was on my phone where I had received messages from Tyrone: 'you think you can run away from me?' 'Stop running you know I'll find you' 'so you got away this time, haha well just remember I found you once. I could easily find you again.' A tear trickled down my cheek and I through my phone over the bridge. Tom stopped ranting and looked at me confused.
'Why'd you just do that'
'H-he found me. H-he found us and he'll do it again and he'll hurt you and me and he'll take me back and I can't d-do that ever again.' I broke down and tom pulled me into his chest and held me tightly.
'I'm sorry y/n I never should have shouted at you. I understand this is harder for you than me I was just being a prick'
'It's ok Tom, I haven't really told you anything I get why you're confused.' It was silent for a little bit until tom said:
'Come on let's get on the train, we booked seats so we can sit in privacy and i'll cuddle you until we get there' he smiled and that's exactly what he did.
We sat on the train making small talk and little conversations every now and then as tom held me in his muscly arms. I had my head rested where his heart was and hearing it beating almost made me forget the seriousness of what we are doing. Hearing that soothing sound just made me calm rather than tense about the situation. If he could do that with a single heart beat, he could do anything. He was my hero.

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