Part 4

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I pulled away and stared at him.
'Wow' he said. I blushed and he smirked.
'Maybe we can share a bed tonight' I laughed and so did he.
'I'd like that a lot.'
Tom understood that I didn't want to move to fast, somehow. It was like he could read my mind.We went inside and I got changed again so I wasn't soaking wet. Tom was already in the bed when I got changed and I came back to see him topless and snuggled up in the duvet with his phone. He was so cute yet so hot at the same time. I wanted nothing more than to jump into that bed and cuddle him back but I didn't know if it was too soon.
I climbed into bed beside him, i put my phone on my bedside table. I wanted to avoid touching it in case Tyrone had realised I was missing. I didn't want to open the many text threats I had received from
Him. I wouldn't let him ruin this perfect night. I switched my bedside lamp off, rolled over and closed my eyes. I heard Tom flick his switch and then felt a warmth wrap around my body. I felt a toned chest press up against my back. I smiled to myself as he planted a single kiss on my neck.
'Good night darling'
'Good night tom.

I opened my eyes to see a room I didn't recognise. I was greeted with the warmth of the arms I fell asleep in. I looked over my shoulder and saw Tom's sleeping face. He looked like a little angel. Shortly after all the memories of the night before flood back into my head, yet so did the questions. Does tom actually like me? Was he going to leave me when he wakes up? Does he feel the same way? I put them to the back of my head and grabbed my phone. I shouldn't have done that. Immediately I saw all the text messages he's sent me.
'Where are you?'
'You betta be back here soon'
'Y/n I swear I'll kill you if you don't come home'
'That's it I'm coming for you'
I froze. Why did I think this would work. Why oh why did ever think I could escape the monster that is Tyrone Johnson. I ran out of the bed and into the bathroom. I broke down and leant against the wall. Shaking, I cried without remembering tom was still here. After being locked in there for less than 5 minutes tom started banging on the door.
'Y/n are you ok?' He shouted.
'Y/n please talk to me. I know we haven't known each other for that long but if there's anything I can do to hel-' I opened the door. He gazed into my bloodshot eyes and I could feel his sympathy.
'I'm ok tom' I walked out onto the balcony and he followed.
'No you're not'
' I can't tell you about it yet tom' he looked confused.
'Why? Y/n you can talk to me'
'Tom this is really serious, if I tell you I drag you into it and the world can't loose you'
'Y/n just please tell me if you're in trouble, i can hel-'
'No tom! You can't help' I began to raise my voice, I knew I shouldn't have as soon as I did it.
'Well is there anything I can do'
'I'm running from something tom. It wasn't the initial plan but now it has to be. I need to hop from hotel to hotel in this country and hopefully only in this city. I know it sounds crazy but I don't have a choice. I understand if you don't want to come with me and I can do this on my own. But if you want to help me and keep me safe I would love it if you did that. So you can either walk out this door right now, forget about me and everything I've just said and pretend this never happened or you can run with me. It's up to you.'

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