Part 17

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'So what are our plans for tonight' tom asked while driving back to our hotel.
'I don't know' I do know, I'm going to rip your clothes off piece by piece. 'What time is it now?'
'5pm, how did we spend so much time in town' he laughed.
'Well we did stay in that cafe a while' I laughed with him.
'I guess'
'Why don't we go for dinner at the fancy restaurant in the hotel'
'Yeah I'm up for that, our first fancy restaurant date' he smiled.
'Yeah' I smiled, knowing soon enough I'd be unbuttoning his tight white shirt and running my hands across his body. We reached the hotel and I began searching for the perfect dress. I decided my little red dress would work perfectly.

I took a nice pair of red heels, a cute red purse and a gold necklace to accompany it

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I took a nice pair of red heels, a cute red purse and a gold necklace to accompany it.
'Are you nearly done?' Tom called. I walked over to him and his jaw dropped. 'You look unreal y/n' he came closer as I gazed at him in his suit. Tom in a suit is a powerful thing.
'So do you' I smiled and he kissed me.
'Are you ready then darling?'
'Of course, but one thing before we leave.' I made my way to the door. 'Try to not stare at my chest the whole meal' I smirked at him and he smiled. It's not my fault you've put them on display.'
'Shut up' I laughed as he walked closer.'besides' I whispered in his ear 'you'll get all of me later so save it for then.' His eyes widened and his smile grew.
'Come on let's get this over with' he ran out the door excited at the thought of finally doing what he's been secretly dreaming of this whole time. I laughed and followed after him.
We got our table and sat down, it was truly beautiful. Every man was dressed in a classic black and white tux, everyone woman in a classy dress with a face packed with makeup, yet to no surprise we got the most attention.
People would smile at Tom because of course they knew who he was. I looked at the man beside me, proud to call him mine.
We got a table, sat down and ordered then began talking. It felt like there was never a dull moment between us, conversation were just easy.
'So, do you ever think you'll see your dad again?' tom asked. Wow tom, way to kill the mood.
'Erm, I don't know. Don't get me wrong I want nothing more than to see him and Nathan but I don't know what they'd say'
'Well I disappear for a couple years, no contact, leaving my dad I'm distraught and then just show up out of nowhere'
'It's never too late to fix things'
'I guess, but anyway this night is about us'
'It is?' Tom smirked knowing exactly what I meant.
'Yes, it is tom' I smiled holding onto his hands above our plates. 'Tonight is a very special night and very much something we shall remember'
'Stop you're getting me excited, and these are bloody tight trousers' I laughed at him shifting in his seat. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment until the waiter interrupted us by giving us our food. It was delicious but all I could focus on was the perfect man in front of me. My new found weakness and distraction.
We continued our conversation which must have lasted a long time and before we knew it our Waiter had taken our empty plates and the restaurant was becoming quieter. It didn't matter if there were thousands of people in the room or just three.
It felt like it was just us.
'So that's when my mum told me I was too in love with my dog and needed to get myself out there and harry tried to get me on dates but I just wasn't interested in these women'
'You were interested in dogs' I smiled.
'No!' We laughed. 'They were just weird or boring, like one of them we going rally well until the food cake and she coated her whole meal in ketchup'
'What?' I laughed.
'Yeah and it's not even like it was chips or something it was a full on chicken dinner' i burst out laughing and so did he. I caught him staring at me with his love filled eyes. I knew it wasn't lust but I could also tell he was undressing me in his imagination.
I rubbed my foot up and down his calf underneath the table, trying to get him to understand what I wanted. He caught on quick and smirked at me.
'Maybe it's time we get the bill?'

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