Part 15

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He pulled the hoodie over my head to reveal a small crop top.
'Do you want this off as well?' He smirked and stared twiddling with the spaghetti strap attached to it. I slapped his hand playfully.
'Don't get ahead of yourself' I laughed.
'You still have your hoodie on'
'Oh right' he said and rolled me over so he was on top of me and my legs were spread.
'How the hell did you just do that' I asked giggling and he shrugged and began removing his hoodie. His white shirt lifted with it revealing his toned stomach to me. I brushed my hands across his abs and he put his hoodie on the floor.
'Enjoying yourself there?' He smirked and I laughed. He cupped my face and kissed me and We were smiling in between each kiss. We rolled around and made out for a bit, a couple 'accidental' hand slips but nothing to serious. I wanted to save it for a time when it felt right. Being honest I'm kind of scared. Sex had been a dread because of Tyrone and now I'm scared it always will be. I know Tom cares about me and I know he likes me but part of me feels like it will go wrong and it will be all my fault.
Eventually we were so tired we just fell asleep laying in our underwear, Toms arm wrapped around my waist. I slept peacefully and deeply, knowing Tyrone was thousands of miles away. I'd never slept like that, and I didn't know if it was the fact Tyrone couldn't touch me or the perfect man I had beside me.
I woke up to a bright natural light shinning through the glass doors. Opening my eyes I saw a view I could get used to. Fresh grass and clear sea with a contrast of the white sand. Heaven. I kissed toms arm and his Geoffrey voice said to me 'good morning love.' He kissed my neck and I swivelled around to see his tired face half asleep. An angel sleeping right In front of me.
'Your hairs all messed up' I giggled running my hand through is soft wavey locks.
'Yours is too' he said tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear and kissing me. We both smiled at each other.
'I could stay here all day' I said.
'So could I' He Said wrapping his arm around me. 'Do you miss your phone' he asked.
'That's random' I giggled 'and I guess but what do I need it for? To be hunted by Tyro-m he covered my mouth with his hand.
'That name is banned from this holiday' I giggled underneath his hand.
'Ok' I muffled. He Removed his hand and smiled at me.
'Why don't we get you one today and you can set up a new Instagram and Twitter and Snapchat of whatever you have. A new number as well so he can't text you' he rambled.
'Tom you shouldn't do that'
'I should, you deserve the world. A phone is barely anything' I blushed.
'Awh Tommy, ok if you really want to' we smiled and he pulled out his phone and  started scrolling through Instagram.
'You haven't missed much anyway' he laughed.
He gave me it to scroll through. There were some pictures of us and people asking who I was yet I didn't care. All I cared about was one thing.
'Yes love'
'What's tomdaya?'

Authors note ~
For anyone who wants to message me my messages on here don't work so just dm me on instagram it's @tomsboop if you want to talk :)

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