•Chapter Five•

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Chapter Four~
Word Count: 3650

Stress •

As we walked further into the village, I noticed the way Kakashi-San was dressed. He wore everything black, did someone die or is it something else...?

"Ne Kakashi-san how come your using all black today?" Have you ever heard how curiosity killed the cat? Well in my case I'm the cat that died. Kakashi-San narrowed his eye at me and sent a smile that threw me off. What the heck is going on inside his head?

" I'm a ANBU, it's already bad that I'm going out in the open like this. The black in my clothes represents that I am someone that works for the Hokage, someone that is dangerous. This lets the citizens know not to mess with me.

I figured that taking you shopping would attract many curious people because of your ears that are on the top of your head." He explained in his lazy tone of voice.

"Oh. Hey Kakashi-San I have a question for you, if you don't want to answer it, it's totally fine." I said, taking a small glance at him finding him sucked inside the pages of the book he was reading.

"Yeah, what's up?" He responded while putting away his book.

"When I first met you, why were you sad?" I know I shouldn't ask this but why was he nostalgic when I met him?

"Sad you say? I wasn't sad. I am a ANBU. ANBU's don't get sad." He answered it cooly.

"Kakashi-san please don't lie to me because when you lie is like lying to yourself. If you don't want to talk about it just say so, but don't lie. I know something bad happened. Making you break inside. I'm a half-demon, I can sense the emotions of the humans around me. And when I look at you, I sense nostalgia, and pain...." I said softly, stopping to look at him, making him stop too.

"I'll tell you someday okay? Right now is not the moment Kaori-Chan. And I promise you that I won't lie to you again but please don't be sad, because I'm fine. See?" He said while closing his eye half way meaning he was smiling.

'Liar.. when a person says 'I'm fine' it usually means that they're breaking slowly inside. What happened to you Kakashi-San?' I thought.

"O-okay." I responded, while starting to walk again. I sensed him guarded, he is trying to block his emotions but he's failing miserably.
Kakashi's POV•

I watched her continue walking in front of me unaware of the jumbled up thoughts I have because of her question. For a six year old she does think different than her age group and that kind of worries me. I've sensed how guarded she is, how she's always in alert, how she fakes to be okay.

Yeah, she might sense my emotions but can she sense hers? Every time she smiles, her eyes don't shine, they hold stress that a six year old shouldn't feel. She might be a half demon but she's still a kid, a kid that is so faraway from home.

When I first saw her, it surprised me to see a small girl with black dog ears on the top of her head alone in the woods, it didn't scare me..quite the opposite it kind of intrigued me.

The Hokage ordered me to watch over her to make sure she isn't lying about being a threat to the village, and this makes me question. How does the Hokage expect her trust us when he can't even trust her.

It's been a day since she arrived and I've seen how attached Naruto is with her. Even Umino has a special place in his heart for her, even when we have no clue who exactly she is.

I watched her curiously as she hummed softly to herself. Then suddenly she made an abrupt stop, making me stop too. "Kaori?" I asked unsure what is going through her mind.

Half-Blood: Naruto X Inuyasha Crossover Where stories live. Discover now