Hehe titles am I right

640 13 24

Mandy: *says she will post next story in a couple days*

Also Mandy: yes, but actually no. *posts legit two weeks later*

Sorry for the wait! I actually have no excuse I was just lazy but I wrote 2 different chapters but wattpad just LOVES me and they decided to delete them both. wHOOPS! But yeah enjoy this is a post s8 oneshot because I LOVE those! As I begin writing, it's currently 4/27/19 so let's hope that's date that I finish it.  Btw this means someone is thinking  

PS ummmm plangst warning 

Pidge's POV

     It had been almost 4 years since Allura's death, signifying the end of Voltron. It really has been a long time. I started fighting as a paladin when I was 14... now I'm 19. I keep in touch with Hunk on a regular basis, and his restaurant is a big hit according to Shay and Romelle. I actually visited a couple times and the food was amazing. I occasionally talked to Shiro as well, and was second to hear about his engagement to his fiancée Curtis, aside from the first to hear, Keith. I don't normally talk to Keith, since he's been spending his time strengthening the blade of Marmora, but we'll talk here and there. 

     As for Lance, it's a bit of a different story. I've never really loved anyone, but I guess I kind of "liked" him. It's kind of dumb, and it's not like I still feel that way. It's just that I brushed these feelings off when I first met him, realized I felt something quite a bit later, and tried giving him hints, but failed, such as the time I said he was 'cute in a creepy hideous sort of way'. I guess flirting should remain his specialty because he clearly didn't get the hint when he started dating Allura. That's when I decided to let go of everything I had ever felt and I chose to just let them be happy together. One half knew this was what needed to happen— for Lance and myself. I needed to be real with myself, and Lance just deserved someone better than me. 

     The only problem is that I can't forgive myself for not telling him anything before it was too late— before he dated someone he couldn't get over, and before he gave up on all of his dreams. It's too late though. It's been almost a year since the end of the voltron coalition. 

~~~POV skip brought to you by sTAHP I COULDA DROPPED MY CrOiSsAnT~~~

3rd person POV

     It had been almost 4 years since the former paladins went their separate ways, and though they all found new interests, they still missed it. For Pidge, life remained the same. Start out with the typical morning routine, head to work as an engineer, go home and make a quick dinner, finish up anything that's needed to be done, and go to bed at a late hour. Oddly enough, staying up late on a project was possibly the only thing she brought with her to space and back. 

      Pidge had returned from a longer than usual day of work. She figured out he rest of her work would be finished faster in her lab at the Galaxy Garrison, and she had finished it... 3 hours later. She had gotten ready for bed and was about to go to sleep, except for one thing. Her phone lit up  with a message. 

Who is texting me at this hour?

Pidge checked who it was from.

Shiro? What would he want at  a time like this?

She then realized that different time zones existed and opened her phone to see what it was about.

It read: You have been invented to the wedding celebrating the love of Shiro and Curtis

Where: New Altea

When: *insert random date in the future like a a couple months*

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