Chapter 18

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Arabella didn't really know what happened after they left the tunnel, as she stayed to help her father who was just regaining consciousness. She tried to explain to him what happened with as much detail as she could, but he was beyond angry with Harry. When they left the tunnel, Severus went directly to yell at them, but a growl interrupted him.

"Dad!" Arabella yelled, making him turn around , trying to protect the kids. The werewolf in which Remus Lupin had transformed clawed at him, making him fall, Arabella pointed her wand at him, making him fly away, he tried to charge again but Sirius, in his dog form, tackled him.

"Sirius!" Harry yelled, and ran to him.

"Harry!" Arabella yelled at him and ran after her brother.

"Arabella!" Snape exclaimed but had to stay with Ron, who was already wounded, and Hermione, so they didn't get hurt, in case the werewolf came back. He knew Arabella was capable of standing her ground against magical creatures, he had taught her himself.

Arabella arrived to see Harry throwing a stone at Remus, who was about to kill Sirius.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" Arabella yelled at her brother.

Arabella ran to stand in front of her brother, raising her wand, prepared to attack Remus if needed. Harry clenched to her, trying to drag her back by her blue jumper. Lupin stopped approaching when they all suddenly heard howling. Lupin howled back and ran towards the noise.

"Sirius!" Harry exclaimed when he saw the man stand up and fall down the pendent to the Black Lake. Both, Arabella and Harry ran towards Sirius, "can you do anything?" The boy asked her worriedly.

"I can try" Arabella told him.

The girl closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She channeled her energy towards Sirius and felt where he was most hurt, he had cuts here and there but the deepest hash was below his ribs, where Lupin's claws had ripped through his skin and punctured it. Arabella opened her eyes and saw Sirius looking at the sky in pain and fear.

"It's only gonna last a minute longer, Sirius, you can do it" Arabella tried to reassure him, but he was still scared, she looked up to see, in white light (contrasting to how she saw everything while using her powers), a few dozen dementors nearing. She had to chose, either keep healing Sirius or produce a Patronus, "Harry! I cannot keep them at bay and heal Sirius at the same time!" She yelled at her brother, and felt as the first few got near enough for the scar in her arm from where a dementor had grabbed her burnt in pain.

"I'll try-" Harry said, taking out his wand, "Expecto Patronum!" He exclaimed, a small silver wisp appeared, so he repeated the incantation, a bright light erupted from his wand.

There were too many dementors for Harry alone, but there was not much Arabella could do now. The gash in her own skin had become larger by the second, and blood was pouring out of her rapidly. No matter, how much it hurt, Arabella kept doing it, because she knew that if Sirius was hurt, the Ministry would let him die, they wouldn't give him the right medical treatment, but if it was Arabella, a fifteen year old student, daughter of a teacher, Rita Skeeter in the Daily Prophet would roast them alive if something happened.

"Lily" Sirius breathed out, looking at Arabella without really looking at her. The dementors were deeply outnumbering Harry and they had gotten to Sirius and Ella. The healing process had nearly ended but she had to stop or she would pass out for the pain.

"It's gonna be okay" Arabella told him, tears in her eyes. She covered Sirius with her body. She felt icy cold hands grabbing her arms, she trashed against them only to fall to the ground next to Sirius, dementors nearing them, "Harry..." Arabella breathed out, only to pass out almost immediately.

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