Soothing the Shadows

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Taiyo ignored everything around him even the explosions caused by Pora as he ran to Shadow mountain with fire coating his arms ... he prayed he'd make it in time ...


Naruko hissed as another shadow zipped passed her leaving another bleeding gash on her arm, (I have to get them to stay back ... maybe if flare out my magic.) A glowing colorful light surrounded her and the shadows backed off. (It's working ... what are they doing?) she wondered when the shadows started acting strangely ...

It was like they were following her colors ...

One shadow loved the light blue and tried to follow it, while the others liked the yellows, reds, greens and pinks. They almost danced around her aura as they got closer and Naruko wasn't sure what to do ... she couldn't hold out much longer ...

"Naruko hold your breath." said a voice inside her mind.

(Sensei?) She could feel something crawl around her mind again ... her sensei's wisp! Naruko took a deep breath and held it. A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead do to the shear amount of effort it was taking to keep her magic up, but then there was fire and lots of it ...

She closed her eyes as she was surrounded by fire, but when the heat reached dangerously high temps she felt something being thrown over her and a strong pair of arms pulled her out of there.

The heat disappeared and she was set on the ground. As she opened her eyes she her sensei's long violet jacket wrapped around and her green haired sensei without his top hat looking down at her, but she felt a little worried because for the first time since she met Taiyo he wasn't grinning ... he was mad at her and she was sure he was going leave her ...

Taiyo casually brushed the embers off his shoulders and adjusted his suspenders before crouching down in front of Naruko. After a few seconds of silence he sighed and removed his goggles revealing a handsome face with dark violet eyes. "Naruko that was beyond reckless, you could have been killed-"

"I know sensei, but I thought someone needed help. I'm so sorry I won't do it again just please don't ... leave me ... please." Naruko had tears in her eyes. All she could think about was those hurtful words Kakashi said to her, but she was in for a shock ... Taiyo pulled her into a hug ...

"Only a fool would abandon someone as precious as you and yes I may be a bit quirky," Naruko couldn't help but giggle in between sniffles at that comment making Taiyo smile softly, "but I'm no fool." He let her go and wiped away the tears on her cheeks. "I know someone like you can't be restrained or controlled and I would never try so next time tell me and spare me the heart attack."

Naruko smiled, she was happier than she has ever been, "Yes sensei ... I am sorry-"

"Don't apologize for that. What you saw was a blue fox illusion, no one save for fairies and shadows can see through it, that isn't your fault ... now let's get Pora before she kills those idiots." said Taiyo with a laugh as he grabbed his goggles and put them back on before he gently took his jacket back. That's when he noticed the gashes. "Oh shit, was this from the shadows?" He asked as he looked at the blonde's arm.

"Yes and they bit me too." She turned her leg to show him the bleeding bite mark on her calf.

The green haired mage reached up and patted his head only to scowl when he hit hair, "Crap, that's right, I left my hat with Pora. I'll carry you, try not to move too much."

A squeak slipped past her lips as Taiyo scooped her up and raced off at surprisingly fast speeds, "What's wrong, sensei?!"

"Shadows are normally scavengers so any injury inflicted by them can get infected fast because of the slurry of toxins. If not treated fast it can poison the blood. I have a healing potion in my top hat." He said and in no time at all they came to the spot where the picnic basket was and he set her on the blanket. "Now where is Pora?"

*Boom*boom*Boom* A series of explosions headed straight for them ... it was the three teens and a blue fox from before and they were running away from Taiyo's hat. With a flick of his wrist Taiyo sent the boys and their fox flying through the air in the direction of town and he grabbed his hat. Pora popped out of the hat and went for the picnic basket ...

"Of course, you have the munchies. You were rolling in Zipple weeds just minutes ago." exclaimed Taiyo as Pora snatched a sandwich and a piece of bacon and chowed down "Little troublemaker ... now where was that potion?" Naruko's eyes widened as Taiyo's arm completely disappeared into the confines of his hat before finally pulling out a bottle. "Got it! Now you'll be a little stiff after I apply it so we'll stay here until it passes."

She let him apply the potion to the bite mark. "Ok ... hey sensei what's that?" She pointed at something sticking out of the ground.

After applying the healing potion to the last gash he went to check, "Oops, it's Marco's wand ... their mother is going to be pissed at me ... oh well, let's eat!" He shrugged with that grin back on his face and tossed the long shiny black wand into a patch of weeds.

"A wand? Do I need one?" asked Naruko as she nibbled at sandwich.

"Actually, all mages start training in magic control with a wand. That's how it's always been ... I started at the magic academy like most mages, but I failed a number of times because my wands kept exploding. Wands are meant to amplify the magic in you so it's easier to control, but like you I had way too much magic to use a wand thus the reason I made those exercises." He said as he ate a piece of apple. "I only have a wand now because I had to learn control first and so will you."

(He failed? He's a lot like me.) Naruko pondered while watching her sensei ... a smile came to her lips. "Can I see your wand?"

"Sure." A long black cane appeared in his gloved hand, "There are many different styles, but this style fits me the best ... Naruko stay still." He whispered. Naruko looked up at the urgency in Taiyo's voice ... the shadows were back ... and were making letters?

The shadows were getting into groups and making letters ... the message went something like this - WE ARE SORRY FOR HURTING YOU. CAN WE BOND WITH YOU? YOU HAVE PRETTY MAGIC!

Taiyo blinked, "People have been trying to charm shadows for centuries and you do it in minutes ... amazing!" He chuckled.

"Sensei they want to bond, do they mean as a familiar?" She asked in a hushed voice.

"I don't think so, considering so many of you are here I'm guessing you guys want a contract, is that right?" asked Taiyo.

A bit of resembling later and the shadows made the words - YES PLEASE!

"Wow polite little guys. Ok Naruko, if you want to form a contract you need to let them touch you and share their magic then push it into a point on your body." The green haired mage watched as a black silhouette of a whimsical vine appeared on her leg. The mark started on her foot and twisted all the way up her right leg ... it was official, Naruko was the first person to make a contract with shadows ...


Two days later ...

"Just give me a minute to clean my cauldron and we can start working on potions." said Taiyo as he took a brush off the shelf and went to the greenhouse.

Naruko winced as she heard her sensei's attempt to clean his cauldron. It was a miracle she heard the doorbell over the crashes. "Yes how can I help you?" She asked the young purple haired woman with a blue fox at the door.

"Where is that fool Furea?" asked the irritated woman.

"Sensei is cleaning his cauldron-"


The green haired mage stumbled into the room, "The stain won." He exclaimed making both woman sweat drop, "Mrs. Bandini, to what do I owe this irritation?"

Mrs. Bandini huffed, "You know why I'm here Furea. Why were you picking on my sons?"

"Your brats nearly killed Naruko here and they seemed to think it was funny. They got what they deserved. Now go away before I cover your mansion with Zipple weed and let Pora loose." Naruko noticed how pale the woman became. Clearly she knew her sensei would do it.

The blonde felt a tug on her shirt and looked down, "Umm sensei, you said shadows can see through blue fox illusions, right?"

"Yeah, why?" Taiyo followed Naruko's finger to Mrs. Bandini's shadow ... her shadows filled out Mrs. Bandini's shadow with a huge butt and they both burst out laughing ...

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