Ninjas are in Town

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The last name on the sign up sheet was 'Naruko Furea' a name that will go down in history ...


"Potpourri? What the hell is a Potpourri?" asked Kiba.

Tsunade sighed, "The Potpourri is a tournament and you all have been selected to represent Konoha." She said as her gaze moved over Kiba, Shikamaru, Hinata, Lee, Neji, Shino, Choji,Tenten and finally landed on a dark haired man sandwiched between Ino and Sakura.

"I decline, hokage-sama. I have other things to be doing!" said Neji and most of the others agreed.

The dark haired young man scoffed, "Guess that leaves me. I'll win this-"

"I know you guys want to find Naruko and that's why I brought up this tournament." The hokage smiled as she clearly peeked her ninjas' interest and she blatantly ignored the ticked off raven and his annoying groupies, "It has been six years since we've seen Naruko. We haven't found a single trace of her sense then. That's not right especially with our Naruko ... the Potpourri Tournament is no ordinary tournament. Just as its name suggests it's a mixture of a vast array of fighters from far away places even other realms. You won't be fighting other ninjas. You'll be fighting against everyone ... the only ninja to win a Potpourri is my grandfather the first hokage, Minato came close, but ended up tied."

Shikamaru's eyes widened, "You don't care if we win, you want us to ask around about Naruko or see if someone has a different tracking ability that could find her."

The hokage nodded, "Exactly. You are to meet the kazekage and travel to the village of Pearls where you will meet your guide. Just give the gatekeeper this invite. I'll be joining later, but those who are fighting have to get there early- ... what is it Sasuke?" She hissed as the dark haired fool stepped forward when she gave the letter to Neji.

Sasuke flinched at the glare, "I just want to remind you what happens when Naruko returns-"

"IF Naruko decides to WILLINGLY return then and ONLY then will that become an option, but not before. Don't get your hopes up, it's highly unlikely she will return especially if she finds out the civilian council is letting you take multiple wives and she's one of them ... now leave." growled the hokage as the other shinobis glared at the Uchiha as they walked out of the room.

"I know Naruko is an amazing person, but you have me and Ino now. Do you really need anyone else?" said Sakura.

Shino's bugs hissed, "An amazing person? I find that comment disturbing coming from you considering how mean you were to her." remarked the bug ninja.

Ino scoffed, "We were never mean to Naru-chan."

The Nara blinked in disbelief, "How can you say that? You must've warped your own memories if you really believe that crap especially you Sakura. You don't think suddenly changing your tune and being nice is going to fool Naruko, do you?" Sakura and Ino winced at the verbal slap.

"The same goes for you Uchiha." said Tenten. "Do you really think Naruko will agree to being forced together with you after you betrayed her?"

"She will and she'll give me some strong children." said Sasuke as he walked away from the other leaf ninjas. He made his way to the roof where the two elders on the civilian council stood. "Koharu, Homura."

Koharu smiled, "Sasuke-sama, how are things?"

"I want permission to force Naruko back into the village to be with me," demanded the raven.

"That won't be easy now that people know she is Minato's child and the only Uzumaki left." said Koharu.

Homura nodded, "Yes that will be a problem ... but she's still the demon vessel for Konoha so it wouldn't be a stretch. We'll have the order confirmed before you leave, but we'll keep it quiet so the hokage can't stop you."

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