Brewing up Trouble

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The green haired mage had a feeling he will be visiting the Bandini's mansion with lots of Zipple weed and Pora ...


Everyone took some time to relax after nearly being killed by a dragon. Once everyone's hearts were beating at normal rates Naruko was ready to start the three day brewing process so she made a table using the earth and warping it with magic. Naruko set up the various tubes, beakers and finally the classic cauldron, which was filled with water using the waterfall they took refuge near.

It was amazing how much was in her brown shoulder bag. Sure they had storage seals, but Naruko didn't even need to worry about unsealing anything, she just grabbed and there it was. After her set up was the way she wanted she placed a rune network around it to prevent any wind or other forces of nature to disturb it. The final touch to the set up was a rune to let the cauldron float a little off the ground for stability.

"So this is brewing ... it isn't like cooking. Looks like chemistry." Neji said as he saw her pull out the violet colored fur they collected from the Puffs.

"I was surprised too when sensei first took me to get my things, but this is what brewing is." Naruko smiled as she very gently placed the Puff furs, that were ground up, in a solution and set the flask under the tube system. She turned the flame on under the flask and the steam ran up the tubes where it condensed in the top making lavender colored drops that drip down a connecting tube. The droplets slowly collected in another flask at the other end. "I need this flask filled before I can start."

Kiba watched curiously as Naruko pulled out one of the black Creepers, "That thing looks like a cross between a black spider and a pin cushion, but where is its wings?"

Naruko smiled as she gripped one Creeper by its spindly legs, "The wings are in the shell. A Creeper's wings will only come out once during mating season so I just need to break the shell carefully ... hopefully, without stabbing my hands." She muttered as she tried to find a way to hold the wriggling Creeper's shell so she wouldn't be poked by the long spines covering its body.

Shino stepped up to her and took a kunai out. "I have an idea just hold it still for a minute." He said. Naruko nodded and held the legs down gently but securely. Shino ran the blade between the spines and heard a clink once he hit the shell. A swift tap with just enough force made a crack, but the shell didn't give way so the bug user tapped in a couple other places. The fourth hit made the shell fall away into multiple pieces and a pair of dripping furled wings were revealed.

"I think I need to let the wings straighten first. It's impossible to tell if these Creepers are true Indigo Creepers until you see their wings." Naruko commented as she held the Creeper upside down so the wings could drip dry. As they waited she turned the flame on under the cauldron to get the water boiling and pulled out a pair of scissors to prepare to clip the wings. About ten minutes later, give or take a minute, the wings were straight and the Creeper was trying to flap away. The wings were a lovely lavender color and looked like six long feathers attached at one point in the center of the Creeper's back, "What luck! First one was an Indigo ... and this one will be on its way in a few minutes." Naruko said as she carefully snipped the wings off.

Gaara raised an eyebrow as she let the other Creepers go, "Will that be enough?"

The pretty blonde put the wings down and started grinding the wings into a fine powder using her mortar and pestle, "Yes and I should be good for the rest of the process." She smiled slightly as the Creeper she took the wings from soon stumbled upright and scuttled away to recover and regrow various body parts.

A roar in the distance made everyone freeze ...

"You focus on brewing, we'll keep an eye out for dragons." Tenten said quickly clearly still freaked out about what happened just hours ago. The ninjas set up a perimeter consisting of Shino's insects and Gaara using his sand to create a bigger overhang on the cliff next to the waterfall to provide more cover just in case a flock of dragons come by.

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