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Ear piercing screams of horror could be heard ripping through the air ...


"Naruko, can you hand me the bone dust- ..." Taiyo looked over and stared at the empty side of the greenhouse. Pora cooed sadly and nuzzled Taiyo comfortingly. "I know, Pora ... I miss her too."

The steaming cauldron in front of him began bubbling violently and he focused back on the task at hand. The bone dust was added and a stone as well. After a few minutes of bubbling Taiyo took a vial of blood and poured the contents into the cauldron. An odd glow came from the potion two tendrils of steam rose from the liquid and turned into a blonde man and a red haired woman.

"Minato? Taiyo, why are we both here?" The woman asked as she held Minato ghostly hand in hers.

"I used a different potion to bring you both here ... I guess you don't know yet ... this may be a difficult thing to hear then." Taiyo said and without another word on the matter he snapped his fingers making the cauldron float and follow him as he and Pora left the house. The two ghosts were apparently connected to the steam coming from the potion in the cauldron so Minato and Kushina were pulled along.

"Wait, where's Naruko? Is she ok? Answer me!" Kuchina snapped with a mix of impatience and worry. Any anger she had quickly drained away when Taiyo stopped in front of the burnt ruins of a mansion. "Oh no ... no it can't be."

Minato forced himself to not imagine the worse and held his wife gently to try and calm her, "Taiyo hasn't said anything yet so don't worry love." He said softly and much to his relief Taiyo started walking again though he must admit the silent treatment was getting on his nerves as well. Sadly, for the ghosts things only got worse when the green haired mage turned and started walking through a graveyard, "Oh god ..." Minato felt his wife bury her face into his chest.

Once again Taiyo paused and watched as a butterfly fluttered by, "A WELLNESS MOTH! QUICK PORA GRAB IT!" He yelled as he conjured a net and began chasing the moth with his familiar. He must've canceled the floating charm on he cauldron for it didn't follow the mage and the two dead ninjas were forced to watch the skinny man leap over tombstones to watch a poor little moth. The ghosts sweat dropped as they watched the mage run around like loon to get this moth, which destroyed the somber feeling they both had moments ago.

"WOULD YOU KNOCK IT OFF YOU IDIOT! THAT'S INCREDIBLY DISRESPECTFUL! ... where is Naruko's tombstone?" Kushina choked out leaning on her husband for support.

Even with the square goggles hiding his eyes like always the mage looked confused, "Tombstone? That's a morbid thought. Why would Naruko have a tombstone when she's still alive?"

The blonde man held his wife back when she tried to smack Taiyo, "What was that mansion from earlier? It was completely destroyed."

"That was the Bandini mansion ... they had a small Zipple weed related incident." Taiyo said with a sadistic grin.

"Ok ... why are we in a graveyard?" Minato asked while struggling to keep his wife from strangling the green haired mage for making them think Naruko was dead, which now seemed to be completely unintentional.

Taiyo shrugged, "This is a shortcut to Naruko's home- ... you got it Pora! Great catch!" He yelled as Pora closed her mouth around the moth and floated towards them.

Minato sighed in relief, "So she's alright."

"Then what are we waiting for? I want to see my baby!" Kushina whined finally breaking away from her husband's grip ... not that she could move very far away from the cauldron.

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