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... but then she turned and saw someone she'd rather not see sauntering towards her with two bandaged kunoichis on his arms ... that's right, Sasuke ...


Despite the glares being sent his way Sasuke sauntered forward with a smirk, "Naruko, it has been a long time-" Sasuke's attempt to be charming was cut off as someone strolled in front of him and towards Naruko. "Hey asshole, can't you see we're talking here? Fuck off."

The green haired man with a long purple coat and a top hat paused, "Contemptible brat." The man raised his gloved hand and snapped his fingers ...

"Are you listening? Get lost-AHH!" *crash* Sasuke went flying into across the hall and landed in a trashcan.

Naruko chuckled, "That wasn't nice, sensei." She said as Sakura and Ino ran after their love and tried to pry him free from the trashcan's clutches.

"You're right ... my apologies, Mr. Trashcan." said the green haired man bowed politely towards the can with a grin on his face and Naruko chuckled at his antics.

Tsunade's eyes widened in shock along with everyone else's, "Sensei? You're the one who has been taking care of Naruko all this time?"

"Yes. I'm Taiyo Furea, Naruko's teacher-" Taiyo was cut off as Tsunade pulled him into a hug.

The hokage sobbed, "Thank you, thank you for taking such good care of her-" She blinked and looked up at a strange sound coming from Taiyo's hat ...

*crunch*crunch*lick*crunch* All the ninjas stared at the hat where the sounds were coming from ...

Hinata raised an eyebrow, "Errr ... Taiyo, is there something in your hat?"

"Oops, how rude of me." Taiyo lifted his hat revealing a pink ball of fur with big blue eyes nibbling on a bar of chocolate, "This is my familiar, Pora."

"How cute!" giggled Matsuri. Suddenly, Pora perked up and sniffed the air ... her eyes became dazed and she flew off towards Sakura.

Taiyo and Naruko paled, "You guys this is serious, were Sakura and Ino treated with Lug Lub Juice?" exclaimed Naruko in a slightly panicked tone.

"The medics said something like that. Why?" asked Temari.

"The main ingredient is Zipple weed!" yelped Naruko.

"What does that mean?" asked a nervous Kiba who noticed Akamaru was giving off frightened whimpers.

"IT MEANS RUN!" yelled Naruko, with a flick of her wrist the large heavy window flew open and everyone followed the mages out of the building.

Shino moved closer to Naruko and Taiyo, "What will happen if Pora gets near something with Zipple weed?"

*booom*Boom*boom*BOOM*Boom* All the ninjas skidded to a stop and turned to see Sasuke, Sakura and Ino running for their lives from a glowing red Pora. Every few steps the ground under the fleeing ninjas' feet exploded ...

"That's what happens ... but the pure stuff is worse." said Taiyo as he scratched the red sun mark on his cheek wondering how he could catch his familiar.

Gaara frowned, "This is good to know. What does Zipple weed look like?" That weed became the ninjas' biggest fear ...


"It looks like this." Naruko summoned a book and flipped to a page with the Zipple photo. Everyone took turns looking at the book and memorizing the plants features and uses ... and completely ignoring the three ninjas running for their lives ...

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