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The passage was a dead end, but as they set up camp they missed a rare plant hidden behind a rock. A plant that reacts to storms and effects men ... but in what way?


"The storm definitely started." said Hinata as he looked through his Byakugan. He deactivated his bloodline and kneeled next to the blonde who was sitting on the ground near a light rune that bathed their cave with light. "How are you feeling, Naruko?"

Naruko smiled as Shikamaru sat to her left and set her bag down. "I'm fine, my leg is sore, but I-"

"You're not walking." Both ninjas stated bluntly and quickly avoided looking into he blonde's pouting face. They were going to be firm on this!

Hinata sighed, "Please be reasonable, Naruko. You could make things worse if you try to rush back to normal without healing all the way first."

"Right, at least listen to the medic." Shikamaru slightly pleadingly.

"Oh ok, as long as you have no problem carrying me." Naruko relented.

Hinata smiled, "No problem at all." He blushed as he looked into those loving blue eyes. It was obvious they both were recalling their kiss from before. "I-I ... should check your leg."

"Sure." Naruko shifted her large gray shirt a little, which was almost as long as her black shorts and gave the medic access to the wrappings around the shark bite. As Hinata removed the binding to put on clean ones Naruko noticed the small cavern begin to fog up. Thinking it was just her glasses she pulled them off and looked closely at the lenses. "What's this? ... pollen?" She raised an eyebrow and wiped a few particles off the glasses to examine them curiously.

"You are so beautiful." Naruko blinked and looked towards Hinata only to gasp softly as the medic his hands traced her black vine tattoo all the way up her leg sending shivers up her spine.

Naruko gasped again as Shikamaru moved her sleeve up to kiss her bare shoulder "Shikamaru, Hinata, what are you guys-eep!" Naruko yelped as Shikamaru suddenly, but carefully wrapped his arms around her pulled her into his lap. It wasn't that that startled her though ... it was that the shadow user's shirt was off and that Hinata took the chance to remove her shorts and panties at the same time. She blushed and close her legs "what are you doing? ... oh crap."

At this new angle she could see a flower in full bloom behind a rock and it was one she recognized. That flower lead to a very detailed version of the sex talk courtesy of Taiyo. It was the Fantasy Flower. It puts men in a state of disillusion where they would confess and act out things that they hide deep down. In this case it seems that Shikamaru and Hinata fantasy revolves around her since Shikamaru was kissing her neck as his hands tried to go up her shirt and Hinata was kissing her right tattooed leg urging her to open them.

The Nara massaged a spot under the hem of her bra making her squirm, "We love you more than anything. We always have."

"W-we?" Naruko mewled as a finger slid her bra off freeing her breasts and the skilled hands teased her firm mounds under the baggy shirt.

"Us." Hinata answered huskily as he licked her thigh. "All of us ... me, Shikamaru, Gaara, Tenten, Kiba, Shino, Neji. We adore you and have for years. Please let us be with you, by your side." The Hyuga saw her legs relax just a little and took advantage. He spread her legs and put his face right up to her twitching pussy.

Naruko's eyes widened and her back arched as a hot tongue licked her virgin womanhood, "Ahhh Hinata!" She moaned hotly and thrashed in Shikamaru's lap. Those hands fondling her breasts ... the tongue pushing into her wet folds ... it was all driving her insane.

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