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Dan: cat? What are you doing here?

Cat: I heard you were having trouble coping with Phil's death.

Dan: I'm fine

Cat: no you're not.

Dan: yes I am!

Cat: then why don't you come to Dinner with me and prove it

Dan: fine!

Dan got his jacket and shoes and went with cat, they got to the restaurant after 5 minuets of uncomfortable silence.

Cat: so where do you want to sit

Dan: anywhere's fine

Cat: ok, let's sit at this booth by the window

Dan: ok

A few minutes after they sat down a waiter approached their table

Waiter: what can I get you two?

Cat: I'll have a burger and fries, no onions

Waiter: and to drink?

Cat: I'll have a water

Waiter: excellent, and you sir?

Dan: I'll just have a water and some fries

Waiter: ok, your food will be ready shortly.

Cat: thanks!

Cat turned to dan

Cat: so, how have you been?

Dan: I don't know, my best friend died and I haven't gotten over it, so how do you think I've been?

Cat: you don't need to be so rude, I'm just trying to help you.

Dan: I'm sorry, it's just I really miss phil.

Cat: I understand, but you need to let go.

Dan: maybe you're right, he's not coming back

Tears started to well in dans eyes

Cat: don't cry dan, I'm here, it's ok.

Cat wiped away his tears with her napkin, they sat quietly for a few minutes, dan looked down at his hands in front of him. The waiter came back to the table with two waters a burger and two orders of fries.

Dan: thanks

Waiter: no problem! If you need anything just yell!

Cat: ok

The waiter left

Cat took a bite of her burger

Cat: this is really good!

Dan smiled weakly

Cat: dan I know you're sad, but you need to eat, and just have a good time

Dan: ok, I'll try

Cat: that's the spirit

They ate their meals, cat saying some inspirational stuff ever so often.

Cat: you know when we first met I thought you were pretty cute

Dan: yeah

Dan wasn't entirely listening

Cat: yeah, I kinda had a crush on you

Dan: ok

Cat grabbed dan and pulled him into a kiss. Dan quickly pulled away

Dan: why'd you do that!

Cat: because I like you, don't you like me?

Dan: no! I don't like you like that, we're just friends, and besides I'm in love with phil!

Cat: Phil's gone dan! You need to move on!

Dan: fuck you!

Dan stood up took out his wallet and left some money on the table, and left.

As dan walked out of the restaurant tears poured out of his eyes. He walked home every step adding another weight to his grief.

When he got inside he took off his jacket and went to his room. He lay on his bed and cried into his sheets and fell asleep.

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