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When dan and phil walked into the apartment everything was right where dan left it.

Phil: this place is a mess

Dan: well what do you expect, I thought you were dead and I was grieving

Dan looked at phil, he caught a glimpse of Phil's hand, it was transparent. Phil quickly pulled his hoodie sleeve over his hand.

Phil: let's just get our things and leave.

Dan: ok

Dan went into his room and took a suitcase out of his closet, he managed to cram most of his cloths in his suitcase, along with his phone charger, his computer, and his pillows. Dan walked into Phil's room to see if he needed any help packing. When he opened the door to Phil's room he saw phil, lying on his bed crying, phone in hand looking at a picture of his mom.

Dan: phil, are you ok?

Dan walked over to phil bed and sat down next to him.

Phil: I-I'm never g-gonna get to s-see my mom a-again. S-she still thinks I-I'm dead.

Dan leaned over and gave phil a kiss on the cheek

Dan: phil, it's gonna be ok.

Phil turned around and wrapped his arms around dan. Dan placed his hands on Phil's back

Dan: it's all gonna be ok baby

Phil: t-thanks dan

Dan and phil sat there until phil stopped crying.

Dan: you ready to start packing up now

Phil broke away from dan

Phil: yeah, I think so

Dan helped phil pack up his things and they left. They walked back to the underground. When they where sure no one was following them they slipped through the wall. When they got to the wall phil put his still transparent hand on the metal plate. It pricked his finger but didn't draw blood.

Phil: that's weird, it won't draw blood.

Dan: what? Why?

Phil: I have no idea. I think it might have something to do with my hand being transparent.

Dan: so are we stuck out here? I mean, my blood's not in the data base yet.

Dan started to panic

Phil: dan it's ok, I can just use my other hand.

Phil placed his other hand on the metal plate. This time it drew blood. The metal doors slowly opened. Dan and phil entered. James frantically ran over to them.

James: while you guys were out something bad happened.

Phil: what happened exactly?

James: we're having a meeting about it, follow me.

Dan and phil followed James to a room, everyone from the camp was there. Dan, phil, and James sat down. Pj started to speak.

Pj: ok, you all are probably wondering why you're all gathered here.

There were a few murmurs of agreement

Pj: well, we think they may have found us.

Everyone gasped except for dan, phil, and a girl that dan knew as Louise. Dan whispered to phil beside him.

Dan: who's they?

Phil: I have no clue.

Pj: we may have to move camp again. There's a base that's already partially built in America that we have permission to stay at if necessary.

Sam: we just moved here about a year ago. We've just gotten everything unpacked.

Pj: we can't risk loosing more people Sam. This past year we've lost Ryan, Carey, Jackson, and Tyler. We can't afford to loose anyone else. It's safer to move.

James: but what about the lab? And what about phil? He's still not stable yet.

Pj: they have a lab in America. Phil would be one of the first people we'd move.

Pj kept talking about the possible move. Dan kept his eyes on phil. He noticed Phil's face getting paler.

Dan: phil, are you ok?

Phil: yeah I'm fine I just feel a little-

Phil fell unconscious, luckily dan caught him. Pj stopped talking and ran over to them.

Pj: don't just stand there! Get him to the lab!

Dan held phil in his arms and rushed over to the lab along with pj. He set phil inside the same glass tube as last time. Dan held his breath as Phil's body lifted from the bottom of the tube. Dan placed a hand on the tube. A small tear fell from his eye.

Dan: snap out of it phil.

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