He's fading

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Phil introduced dan to the rest of the people there and they talked for a few hours

Phil: *yawns* I think it's time for bed

Dan: all right, wait, where am I gonna sleep?

Phil: you're gonna sleep with me in my tent

Dan: ok

Dan and phil got ready for bed, phil gave dan a blanket and a pillow and snuggled up next to him, his nose pressed against dans neck and an arm over his chest.

Dan: hey phil

Phil: yeah?

Dan: how often do you.... you know, fade?

Phil: don't worry about that, I just want to lay here and fall asleep next to you

Dan: ok, goodnight phil, I love you so much, more than words could possibly express

Phil: I love you too dan, goodnight

Dan wrapped his arms around phil and they fell asleep

Dan suddenly woke up to phil screaming, there was sweat all over his body, his skin was becoming transparent.


Phil's face twisted in pain

Phil: get...... pj.....

Dan ran out of the tent and went into pj's

Dan: Pj, something's happening to phil, please come quickly!

Pj ran out and into dan and Phil's tent

Pj: dan can you pick him up and follow me

Dan picked phil up and brushed a strand of hair away from his face

Dan: it's ok baby, it's gonna be ok.

Phil: dan....

Dan followed pj to a room with a bunch of computers and pods the size of people, pj opened one up

Pj: set him in here dan

Dan did as pj instructed

Dan: is he gonna be ok?

Pj didn't answer, he just went to a computer and started typing, the tube suddenly lit up and phil started floating.

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