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Dan: pj, can I go to bed now? I'm really tired.

Dan was out of breath and tired.

Pj: ok dan, you can go to bed. We can continue these tests tomorrow.

Dan walked out of the lab, giving pj a weak smile.
Dan sat down next to Phil, who was asleep. He gently leaned over and kissed his cheek.

Dan: I'm glad you're back phil.

Dan lay next to him and wrapped his arms around him as he drifted into an uneasy sleep.
Dan woke up, his arms still wrapped around Phil, but his lungs burned. Dan realized why and his heart sunk. How did they not hear the screams? It was just like in Dan's dream, but with a few changes.

Dan quickly shook phil awake.

Phil: what's going on?

He said sleepily.

Dan: get up, we need to go find pj, everything's on fire!

Phil quickly got up and followed dan to the lab, they rushed past people running to the exits, and trying to save as much as they could.

They busted into the lab but pj was nowhere to be found. Once they crossed through the door it slammed behind them. Dan and Phil quickly turned around to face whatever it was that shut the door. But what they saw confirmed Dan's fears.

His dad, or at least who he assumed to be his dad was standing in front of the door, Pj passed out in his arms and a gun to his head.

Dan's dad: it's nice to see you in the real world Danny.

Phil looked confused and took Dan's hand in his own. Dan just stared at the man in front of him.

Dan: I would say the same, but I wouldn't want to lie to my father, now would I.

The sarcasm in Dan's voice was impossible to miss. Now phil was even more confused.

Phil: dan what the heck is going on!

Dan opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by his dad.

Dan's dad: it's great to finally meet you Phil. I'm Dan's father.

Phil gasped, his eyes widened with shock.

Dan: ok, now you both know each other, now why are you here?

Dan's dad: I'm here for you three. I'm here to take you back and make sure you never leave again.

Now it was Dan's turn to be confused.

Dan: what are you talking about?

Dan's dad: Enough questions, just follow me unless you want your little friend here to get a bullet through his brain.

Dan looked up at phil, phil nodded.

Dan: fine, we'll go with you. As long as you promise to tell us what's going on.

Dan's dad: oh don't worry, I'll make sure to tell you everything.

His smirk made dan feel uneasy.

Suddenly dan felt a pain at his side. He looked down and there was a man in a mask, stabbing dan with a syringe. His eyes felt heavy, he heard Phil's body hit the ground, soon he did as well, his fathers laughter ringing through his ears.

He only caught flashes of things that happened around him.

A light.

Masked people stealing him down.

Phil screaming.

Pj's bloody limp body.

Blood, his own this time.

Phil unconscious on a black checkered floor.

Pj screaming whilst strapped to a hospital bed.


Then everything went dark.

Dan was in his own little world, literally, everything around him was dark, he was floating In nothingness. But soon he saw Phil in front of him, his back to dan.

Dan: phil!

He shouted with glee. But when phil didn't move dan felt confused. He walked over to phil.

Dan: phil?

He tapped him on the shoulder, but once again he didn't move. Dan grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.

Dan: phi-

Dan gasped at what he saw, it was phil, but his face was messed up. his left eye was hanging out of its socket, blood dripping from the empty hole, the skin on the left side of his head was torn off, as was the bone underneath revealing part of his brain, chunks of his ear were missing, part of his lips too, so his teeth were visible.

Dan screamed at the top of his lungs. This couldn't be real could it? It had to be a dream. But then dan remembered, his last dream had come true.

Suddenly there was a white light shining in the distance, the light grew and grew, until it had engulfed the darkness and Phil's mangled body. All dan could see was white.

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