Close call

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Phil woke up, dan was laying beside him.

Dan: good morning phil

Phil: good morning dan

Dan and phil shared a quick kiss

Phil: do you want to get some breakfast?

Dan: sure.

Dan and phil go dressed and walked out of the tent.

Phil: hey pj, me and dan are going out to get breakfast, we should be back in an hour or two.

Pj: ok, have fun you lovebirds

Dan chuckled, phil grabbed a black hoodie and put it on, then they left.

Phil: we can get some of the things from our apartment while we're out, if you want

Dan: sure

Dan and phil walked out and go to the underground.

Dan: so where are we going for breakfast?

Phil: I don't know, where do you want to go?

Dan: let's just wander around till we find something.

Dan and phil walked around the city a while till they found a nice breakfast place. They got a table and sat down.

Dan: I've never been here before

Phil: me neither

A waiter came over to their table

Waiter: what can I get you two to drink?

Dan: I'll have some coffee please.

Phil: I'll also have a cup of coffee.

Waiter: ok, you're drinks will be out soon.

The waiter left. Phil turned to dan.

Phil: so how do you like the base?

Dan: I think it's pretty nice, there are a lot of nice people there.

Phil: yeah

Phil looked to the floor, dan could tell he had something on his mind.

Dan: phil, are you ok?

Phil: y- yeah I was just zoning out

Dan: phil, you can't fool me. I know you better than anyone, I can tell when you have something on your mind.

Phil: last night I woke up and sat by the fire, pj came and talked to me, he told me that my chance of survival is slim.

A tear rolled down Phil's cheek, dan hugged phil.

Dan: phil, I lost you once, I'm not going to loose you again.

Phil didn't say anything, they separated as they saw the waiter coming back to their table with two coffees. He set the coffees in front of them

Dan: thanks

Phil: thank you

Waiter: no problem, are you ok?

Phil: yeah I'm fine.

Waiter: ok, have you decided on what you're going to order?

Dan: I'll have some pancakes

Phil: I'll also have some pancakes

Waiter: ok, you're food will be out in a minute.

Dan: stop copying me phil

Dan and phil chuckled

Dan: so, you never really told me much about your fading, like does it come with other powers? Of does it just hurt?

Phil: it comes with other powers

Dan: like what?

Phil: ok, you see my coffee cup?

Dan nodded

Phil: watch this

Phil pointed to the cup and it hovered for a few seconds and fell back down to the table.

Phil: the biggest thing I can lift is a chair

Dan: that was so cool!

Phil giggled

Dan put his arm around phil and kissed his cheek

Dan: I love you phil.

Phil: I love you too dan.

Phil lay his head on dans shoulder. Phil's soft black hair tickled dans neck

A few minutes later the waiter came back with two plates of pancakes.

Waiter: here you go!

Dan: thanks

Phil: yeah, thanks

Waiter: it's no problem.

The waiter left. Dan poured some syrup on his pancakes. Phil suddenly turned white as a sheet.

Dan: phil what's wrong!

Phil pointed to a woman with long black hair

Phil: dan i can turn invisible

Dan: do it now then. Hurry she's about to look over this way!

Phil suddenly vanished, dan felt something on the other side of him grab his hand. It leaned in close and whispered

Phil: dan, please don't let go of my hand. I see things differently when I'm invisible.

Dan: ok phil. I won't let go.

Dan felt a kiss on his cheek.

Cat walked over to dans table

Cat: hi dan, I didn't know you were here.

Dan: I didn't know you were here either.

Dan tried to avoid cat's eyes

Cat: listen, I'm sorry about what happened a few days ago.

Dan: it's fine.

Cat: ok, do you want to go see a movie sometime?

Dan: as friends?

Cat: I was thinking maybe as something more?


Dan: sorry, I'm busy.

Cat: ok, maybe some other time.

Cat walked out of the restaurant

Phil appeared next to dan.

Phil: that was close.

Dan: yeah. I can't believe she tried to ask me out after all she said to me.

Phil: yeah, If only she knew.

Dan and phil finished their pancakes, paid for their meals and left.

Dan: i guess it's time to go get some stuff from our apartment.

Phil: yeah

Dan: I left my phone there, it'll be nice to have some connection to the outside world and let everyone know I'm not dead.

Phil looked down when he heard those last words. Dan noticed.

Dan: phil, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-

Phil: it's ok dan. Let's just get to the apartment.

Dan: ok

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