Chance of survival

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Pj: dan this is gonna take a while, why don't you go back to bed.

Dan: no I'm going to stay here with phil until this is over

Pj: suit yourself

Dan sat there for hours watching phil, watching all the pain he was going through, he felt completely powerless.

A few hours later it was finally over. The pod opened and phil fell to the ground. Dan ran to Phil's body

Dan: are you ok phil

Phil: yeah... I'm fine

Phil sounded weak

Dan: do you need anything? Food? Water? Sleep?

Phil: how about a hug?

Dan wrapped his arms around the pale boy.

Dan: I love you phil

Phil: I love you too dan.

Phil stood up and walked over to pj

Phil: how bad was it?

Pj: this was one of the worst ones you've had

Pj sounded worried

Dan: is phil gonna be ok?

Pj: I don't know, he'll be fine for now. But....

Dan: but what? I don't want to lose phil again.

Pj: don't worry. I can find a solution.

Phil was standing there, looking at the ground deep in thought.

Phil: dan...

Dan: yeah phil

Phil: if I die, please remember me.

Dan: don't think like that phil! You're not going to die! I won't let that happen!

Phil smiled at dan, deep down they both knew dan couldn't  keep that promise.

The next few days were a blur, phil didn't have any more episodes, but dan was still on edge, he didn't fall asleep until he was sure that phil was asleep first.

One night phil woke up in the middle of the night. He couldn't sleep he walked out of the tent and sat on the ground near the fire, he was the only one awake. Or so he thought.

Pj walked out of his tent and sat near phil

Pj: can't sleep huh?

Phil: no, I keep thinking about it, about him.

Pj: phil I did the calculations, and your chance of survival is really slim.

Phil didn't say anything. He just looked at the fire

Pj: I know it's hard phil, but you're gonna need to tell him eventually.

Phil: I know.

Pj went back to his tent

Phil sat by the fire for a few moments. He stood up and went back to his tent.

Dan: when did you wake up?

Dan sounded half asleep

Phil: don't worry, go back to bed.

Phil couldn't sleep, his mind kept racing. He lay on his side and stared at dan who was fast asleep.

Phil: i want to tell you. I really do. But I don't want you to worry, because there's still a chance.

Phil tried his best to fall asleep.

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