Jaylynn talks to Jey a little bit

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Jaylynn laid down in her bed and Jey saw her shaking.

Jey (with a curious look on his face): You cold?

Jaylynn (shaking): This isn't the cold shakes, Mr. Uso, it's somethin' else, Machete shot me 14 times with the corvettes that he had, and whatever he put in'em, they make me shake, it was some kinda serum that knocked you out, are you really my father?

He laid down beside her.

Jey: Yes, I wouldn't dare lie to you, I wouldn't lie about not being your father.

Jaylynn: We were wonderin', if we would ever get to meet our real family, that man had me goin' crazy in the head, seein' things that I shouldn't see, doin' things that I shouldn't do, every single day I was wishin' that I was dead.

Jey: Don't ever wish that, we need you, Lynn.

Jaylynn: If you went through what I went through, you would wish that, too, I have flashbacks of it, I haven't smiled nor felt alive in an extremely long time, those dead teenaged girls that Machete killed won't leave me alone, and they won't rest in peace, until, he's dead, I'm the solution to their problem, so, I have to kill him to make this pain go away.

Jey: It won't go away, Lynn, it'll just grow, trust me on this one, revenge will start to become your whole life, then.

Jaylynn: I want him to suffer the same fate, and go through the same thing that me and Jayvynn went through.

Jey: He will, he'll go back to jail, and then, he'll spend the rest of his life in prison.

Jaylynn: I'd rather have him burn in hell for all of eternity.

She went to sleep.

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