RWBY Volume 5: Chapter 3 - Unforeseen Complications | Rooster Teeth

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All rights for RWBY go to Rooster Teeth.

This is a Fan based parody.

I will be using Italicization for people's inner thoughts.

Hints towards Whiterose and Bumbleby will continue in this chapter so enjoy.

Naomi and Rachel from previous volume/chapters will be in this chapter.

In Haven*

Oscar was sitting in a chair while Ruby, Naomi, and Pyrrha stared at him wondering how Ozpin is still around.

Naomi asked "Did he age backwards?".

Pyrrha said "Or reincarnated!".

Ruby said "Oh! Isn't it weird?".

Oscar said "It is very weird, yes.".

Qrow said "Okay, Okay.".

They all turned to Qrow.

Qrow said "Let's all just take a second and remember that this is very overwhelming for everyone.".

Pyrrha, Naomi, and Ruby backed away from Oscar and nervously chuckled.

Oscar said "Thanks. It's just I've never really met Huntsman and Huntresses before.".

Ruby said "Well, uh... we've never met a person with two souls, so, first time all around.".

Qrow interrupted everyone and said "We need to talk. Mind showing us your little parlor trick, kid?".

Oscar groaned and said "Yeah, okay. Just so you know, I'll still be here.".

Oscar closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Ozpin took control.

Ozpin said "It is so very good to see you again, students.".

Ruby, Naomi, and Pyrrha looked at each other.

Pyrrha asked "Wait, what just happened?".

Naomi asked "Professor... Ozpin?".

Ozpin said "Correct. And though I may be the one speaking, Oscar is still present, mentally. He's merely handed over the control, so to speak.".

Oscar mentally said "Just don't make us do anything embarrassing...".

Ozpin said "I'm afraid this all must be very perplexing.".

Naomi said "And alarming, and bizarre, and just really kind of hard to believe overall!".

Ozpin chuckled and said "It's good to see you children still have your sense of humor. I know you've been through tremendous hardship already. I'm sorry.".

Ruby said "I mean, it's not your fault.".

Ozpin said "It's all my fault. I told you once that I made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet, and I wasn't exaggerating. I'm... cursed. For a thousand years, I've walked the surface of Remnant, living, dying, and reincarnating in the body of a like-minded soul. The Professor Ozpin you all met was not my first form, and clearly wasn't my last. It's... an extraordinary strenuous process on everyone involved.".

Pyrrha asked "So, who... what... are you?".

Ozpin said "I am the combination of countless men who've spent their lives trying to protect the people of Remnant. With every rebirth, my soul is eventually merged with another and I am changed, but my memories stay with me. This curse was bestowed upon me by the gods because I failed to stop Salem in the past. But we must stop her now.".

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